


Weight Conversions

The ‘Weight Conversions’ system table has the following fields: ‘Base Unit Of Weight’ (either kg/m2 or lb/in2), ‘Unit Of Weight’
(oz/ft2, oz/in2, g/m2, etc – users can add as many as they want), ‘Conversion Ratio’.

If there are no records in the table, then the default of lb/in2 (if ‘Imperial Setup = true) or kg/m2 is used (for fabrics), or lb
or kg for non fabrics.

There is a field in the stock record called ‘Unit Of Weight’ (Stock Control > Stock Items > Stock Enquiry > Add/Amend > Characteristics
> Unit of Weight) which refers to this system table. When the weight is calculated for the BOM record, the ‘Unit Of Weight’ is now taken
into account.

Here is an example. A record could be set up which is as follows:

Base Unit Of Weight Unit Of Weight Conversion Ratio
Lb/in2 oz/ft2 2304

If a fabric is set up as 4 oz per square feet, then this will equal: in lb/in2, 4/2304 = 0.001736.

It is also possible to import this new field in Import From Excel > Stock Update.