


Warning messages

It is now possible to have warning messages for certain combinations of blind type, fabric, option, width and drop.
There is a new table called ‘Warning Messages’ in Administration > System Tables, which has fields for blind type, fabric, option, width, drop, message. It is possible to leave a blind type or fabric blank.

When a blind detail line is entered, it now checks the ‘Warning Messages’ table to see if there are any matches and if so, to display the warning message.
But it is still then possible to save the detail line.
If width and drop are entered in the warning messages record, then the message will appear if either the width or drop in the detail line exceeds the width or drop in the warning message record (unless it is 0).

Sometimes entering the sizes of the detail line or selecting the fabric you may receive a definite Blindata message.
Here are the conditions which determine these messages.

Priority No
Fabric Calculator
Additional Conditions
Warning message
Is allows to save the order detail (Y/N)
‘Turn If Width > Roll Width’ = True AND
‘Blind Width’ > ‘Roll Width’
The width of this blind is greater than the roll width. The fabric will need a turn. Please contact the customer to ensure this is OK.
Width or Drop
‘Blind Drop’ > ‘Roll Width’ AND
‘Blind Width’ > ‘Roll Width’
Both blind width and drop are greater than roll width, therefore a join
in the fabric will be required. Please contact the customer to ensure this is acceptable
‘Blind Drop’ > ‘Roll Width’
The drop of this blind is greater than the roll width. This blind cannot be made
Width/ Drop
‘Blind Drop’ > ‘Roll Width’ AND
‘Blind Width’ > ‘Roll Width’
Both the width and the drop of this blind are greater than the roll width. The fabric will need a join and a turn. Please contact the customer to ensure this is OK.
‘Allow Vertical Join’ = True AND
‘Blind Width’ > ‘Roll Width’
The width of this blind is greater than the roll width. The blind cannot be made without a join. Please check with the customer.
‘Allow Horizontal Join’ = True AND
‘Blind Drop’ > ‘Roll Width’
The drop of this blind is greater than the roll width of the fabric so a horizontal join will be required. Please contact the customer to ensure this is OK.
‘Blind Width’ > ‘Roll Width’ AND
‘Turn If Width > Roll Width’ = False
The width of this blind is greater than the roll width. The blind cannot be made
‘Blind Drop’ > ‘Roll Width’ AND
‘Turn If Width > Roll Width’ = False AND
‘Allow Horizontal Join’ = False
This blind cannot be made as the drop of the blind is greater than the roll width

System Tables > Warning Messages

At the moment we can hold warning messages which get applied if width and drop are above the amounts entered. It is now possible to create warning messages if a width or drop is less than a certain amount. There are two new fields called ‘Width Less/More Than’ and ‘Drop Less/More’ in System Tables > Warning Messages. These contain choices for > and < and are applied when an order detail line is entered.

Order Processing > Orders > Warning Messages
If the conditions are met for more than one of the warning messages, then all the relevant warning messages are displayed, one after one.
At the moment we can have a warning message appear for option choices – this now works for the fabric in an order detail line.
The ‘Warning Messages’ can be set up in System Tables > Warning Messages.

Import From Excel > Warning Messages

There is now an option to import records to the ‘Warning Messages’ (System Tables > Warning Messages).