



It is now possible to record ‘Variations’ for orders.
Please note that the Variation can be added only if the order was created from a quote.
This means that if an order is changed and the price is altered, the user can record the variation against the order.
This will be a manual entry by the user.

The ‘Variations’ form is a tab within the order form.
This has a visibility option in Users > Buttons Visibility.
When the ‘Variations’ button is selected, it displays existing variations and has buttons for ‘Add’ and ‘Amend’ and ‘Delete’.
When ‘Add’ is selected, it opens a form to allow the following fields to be added:

Old Amount (if there is an existing variation record, it puts the new amount from the previous record into the old amount, otherwise the user can enter the amount)
New Amount (this is pulled from net total on order).
Reason For Variation – this is a text field that the user can fill in.

It also displays the date/time this was done at and the user who entered the variation.

New fields have been added for old value (from order), the difference is entered, new value (calculated).
An option to print a variation report (there is a button for ‘Print’) has also been added.

System Reports > Variations Report

There is a new report called ‘Variations Report’ in Reports > System Reports.

There are criteria for start date and end date (date variations entered).
The report shows customer company name, order number, original value, new value, reason.
It prints in order number order.

The ‘Variations’ form functionality has been changed.
Previously when the form was opened, the ‘Old Value’ showed the current net total and the ‘New Value’ is calculated as ‘Old Value’ + ‘Difference’.
This has been changed so the ‘Old Value’ displays the ‘Quote Value’, the ‘New Value’ displays the current net total and the difference is calculated as new value – old value.
When the ‘Accept’ button is selected, the following form appeared. This is no longer required and the net total is not updated.

Sales Intake Report

The following changes have been made to this report.
The project criteria have been removed – i.e. it does not matter whether there is a project tied to the order or not.
This also means that the criteria for ‘Market sector’ is no longer relevant either.
The start and end date relate to the order date in the sales order.
It does not matter if the order has been entered as an order or converted from a quotation.

The order status is no longer a criterion – previously it only showed ‘Order Entered’ and ‘Order Printed’ records.
The MCD figure is a percentage, not an amount.

The report also takes into account any variations that are +/- 5000.00 from the original amount (quote value).
In the example above, this variation should be ignored and the original order value used.
But if the variation was 5010.00, then the order value should have been 6583.91.
In the example where the variation is +/- 5000.00, the acceptance date for the variation is important.
For example, the sales intake report may be run from 01/04/16 – 30/04/16 (order date), but there may have been a variation of +/- 5000.00 entered for an order that had a sales order date outside this range.
Therefore, the query now checks the variations to see if any are +/- 5000.00 and have an acceptance date between the start and end date.

There is now a criteria choice for Area.