


Vanes Price Table

The 'Vanes Price Table' functionality works for the Curtain, Panel Blind, and Vanes Only blind identifiers only.
At the moment we can hold prices for blind types with identifier = Vanes Only or identifier = Curtain.
The curtains blind type has a new set-up, so the width price may be different depending on the number of widths.
Therefore if the blind type selected has identifier = Curtain, there is now another column in the table for ‘Number Of Widths’.

Then when the price lookup is done from the order detail line entry, the number of widths forms part of the lookup.

The price can now be entered into 2 decimal places.

Vanes only price is now picking up from the Vanes Price table.
Also, if the vanes only blind type record is set to ‘Calc Width from Vanes’ = false, the user can enter the number of vanes and not worry about the blind width.

The logic for Vanes Only is as follows:

If ‘Calc Width from Vanes’ = false, enter vanes (width is then entered but is not mandatory), price is calculated by looking at vanes price table.

If ‘Calc Width from Vanes’ = true, enter vanes and the width is calculated from the number of vanes multiplied by the vanes multiplier in the blind type record.
The price is calculated by looking at the normal price table.

The vanes price table was looking up the wrong ‘Price Code’ table when storing data in the field trade_id.
It is now storing the data from the id in the ‘Price’ table instead of 1 for Trade and 2 for Retail.
Also, when you are entering an order detail line record for a Vanes Only blind that has a price in this table, it is now able to find the cost price in the same way it finds the cost price for a normal blind (by looking at the price table determined in the Bought In Blind tab in the Blind Type record).

Cost prices are now selected from the Vanes Price Table if ‘Select Cost Price From Table’ and ‘Calc Width from Vanes' in the Blind Type record are switched on.

If the blind identifier = Panel, there is now an additional method of pricing.
The panel blinds can be priced per panel (in the same way as vanes only is priced per vane and the prices are held in Pricing > Vanes Price Table).

The Pricing > Vanes Price Table form has been changed so that the user can select a blind type that is either blind identifier = Vanes Only or Panel Blind.

There is a flag in the blind type form called ‘Pricing Per Panel’.
If this is set to true, then in order detail entry, when a panel blind is entered, the price is found by looking at the number of panels, drop, price code and fabric group and selecting it from the relevant record in ‘Vanes Price Table’

For blind identifier = Curtain, it is now possible to enter a number of widths to 1 decimal place ie 1.5.
The number of width field will always be 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 etc.

We also need to know whether a curtain is a single or pair. If it is a pair then the number of widths will be a whole number.
It can only be half size of width if it is a single.

There is also a decimal place in the ‘Number Of Widths field in Pricing > ‘Vanes Price Table’.

If blind identifier = Curtain and ‘Replace Fab Group With Price = false, there is a new flag called ‘Price By Widths’ displayed in the order detail line entry to the right of the Fabric Group.
If false, the price is taken from ‘Price Tables’, if true from ‘Vanes Price Table’.