


Unit Of Sale

We have several customers that sell components as well as manufacturing blinds.
This is why we have the ‘Component’ button in the order detail form.
At the moment when a component line is sold, we just enter the quantity, but we have made it a bit cleverer.

Customers will often sell a product that is in a pack or bundle.
Let’s take the example of the tube for roller blinds.
Each tube maybe 5 metres in length, and a bundle is 12 tubes.
Therefore there are 60 metres in a bundle.
At the moment, if we sell a bundle, it has to be entered as 60 metres.
We want to be able to enter the quantity as a bundle or a length (or anything the customer decides).


There is a new table called ‘Unit Of Sale’.
This contains ‘Description’ and ‘Quantity’ and is maintained in Administration > System Tables. For example:

Description Quantity

Bundle 60
Length 5
Unit 1

It is now possible to hold different units of sale against a stock item.
There is a new tab for this in Stock Setup > Stock Items. There is a default record for ‘Unit’ and 1 entered.
There is also a flag here to determine which is the default ‘Unit of Sale’ for that stock item.

When a component detail line form is opened, there is now a field for selecting the ‘Unit Of Sale’.
The user is able to select this, and then enter the quantity.
The existing quantity field has been changed to say ‘Unit Quantity’.

So if we use the example above and select ‘Bundle’, then enter a quantity of 5, the unit quantity will be 300.

We have also amended the following reports so they show ‘Unit Of Sale’, ‘Quantity’ and ‘Unit Quantity’ in the detail line.

Acknowledgement – Laser Print
Delivery Docket – Laser Print
Invoice – Laser Print

The 'Default' flag should be marked if there are 2 'Unit Of Sales' records with the same 'Price Table' (Trade) but with the different quantity (1 and 60) and if a component ordered with a quantity = '60' then the price probably will be lower than usual because it is a wholesale order, so this price will be selected automatically if the 'Default' flag is ticked for the 'Bundle (60)' record.

Please note that the 'Unit of Sale' record where quantity = 1 will affect the 'Unit Selling Price' field in the 'Stock Item > General' tab.

Stock Items > Unit Of Sale
It is now possible to remove ‘Unit Of Sale’ records – we will only be able to do this if the records have not been used in any orders.
We made a change where we added a new field called ‘Inactive’ in the ‘Unit Of Sale’ record.
There is also now an ‘Inactive’ field against the ‘Unit Of Sale’ and ‘Unit Costs’ tabs in the stock record.
This defaults to false in both cases but if it is set to true, then you will not be able to select this in, respectively, component order detail line entry or in regular purchase order entry.

If you enter a component line that has more than one ‘Unit Of Sale’ record set up, if you then change the ‘Unit Of Sale’ more than once, it updated the ‘Unit Quantity’, but now also select the correct price
If you enter a component line for an item that has a ‘Unit Of Sale’ tab record, the unit quantity and the price are now updated as soon as the product is selected.

The 'Unit Of Sale' tab can be updated in batch mode via the 'Import From Excel' routine or 'Stock Control > Stock Item Update > Unit Cost / Unit Of Sale / Product Blind Type'.