


Supplier Performance

Purchase Ordering Supplier Performance

There is now functionality to monitor supplier/factory performance for a stock.
This means it will be possible to calculate stock reorders due to quality, shortfalls and overages.
For example, it will be possible to see how much extra stock is received per year because suppliers send too much, also how much stock is as a result of ‘Quality Issues’ eg flawed fabrics.

This has been done by recording reasons against detail lines in regular purchase orders.

There is a new ‘System Tables’ form called ‘PO Type’ in Administration > System Tables.
Two records have been created there – one called ‘Stock Order’ and another called ‘Requested Order’.
The user can then enter other records such as ‘Replacement Supplier Fault’, Replacement Our Fault’ etc.

When a regular PO is generated or entered, a PO type is stored against the PO detail line.
If the stock item has ‘Stock Held In House’ = true, then the PO type will default to ‘Stock Order’ if the stock item has ‘PO Generation’ = true, PO type = ‘Requested Order’.
It is possible to see these PO types on the detail line.
If the regular PO is being manually entered, the same defaults should appear, but it is possible to change them.

There is also an option to complete an order even if it is not delivered completely or delivery is for a greater amount.
This is recorded to monitor supplier performance and is held in the header of the PO record.
There is a table in Administration > System Tables called ‘Supplier Performance’ which has been filled with records for Completed, Accepted Under Order, and Accepted Over Order.