


Sub Account

There is now functionality to record ‘Sub Accounts’ under a parent customer account on Blindata and have an easy way to identify these when processing orders.
The following changes have been made.
There is a new flag on the customer record called ‘Sub-Accounts’:

Online Orders – Sub Accounts

We have amended the system to allow login for Sub Accounts. The login and password are held against the main account, under the sub-account tab:
There is now an option to show prices online for each sub-account. There is a new flag called ‘Hide Online Prices’ which defaults to false.
The online site then looks at this flag when determining whether to display prices or not.

Please note that the sub-accounts functionality allows multiple operators to work simultaneously with Blindata Online on behalf of the same customer.
Each sub-account on an online site will see only his orders.
There is a new table to store the sub-account record for customers, linked to the Sub-Accounts tab.
It holds the following fields:

Please note that the 'Sub-Account Code' value should be unique.
Also, there is now a ‘Hide/Show Password’ button on the Sub Accounts tab form.
Sub Account codes can no longer be the same as the main Account ref.

There is a new flag in Sales Files > Customers > Sub Accounts tab called ‘Generic Sub Account’ .
If this is switched on, it means a user can log in using the credentials in this record.
This means multiple users can be set up for one customer.

If the ‘Sub-Accounts’ flag is ticked, it is necessary to assign a ‘Sub Account Code’ to the invoice and delivery addresses in tabs in the customer record.

Orders or quotes for Sub-Account enabled customers now have the Sub-Account field as mandatory, displayed to the right of ‘Account Code’.

Blinds cannot be added to the order until this is selected.
The Sub-Account will determine the delivery address, invoice address, Delivery Company, contact, phone and email address for the order.
The Sub-Account function also work for EDI orders. There is a new field in the EDI XML order header for this.
The EDI import will recognise this field and assign the sub account and addresses on the order accordingly.

Order Split/Copied/Remake/Repair/Converted Quote functions will all work with the new sub account field.
Sub account codes are also included in the XML order confirmation and delivery docket files generated for EDI orders.
We have adjusted the ‘Delivery Addresses’ import function to import a list of sub accounts for a customer from Excel.
Email order acknowledgements now go to the sub-account email address for their orders.
This can be taken from the sub account record or the email address on the order as it will be populated from the sub account.
The sub account code and name have been added as column choices in the Order Amend Enquiry list and also the Global Search list.

EDI Auto Acknowledgements

Standard email order acknowledgements will send correctly to the sub accounts email address, but auto EDI acknowledgements generated by the EDI import were still sent to the customer's mail acknowledgement email address. Fixed.

Financials > Invoice Batch Print

There is a customer who has sub accounts(CBR001). They have set the invoice email address up to go to the head office for all sub accounts.
When they send the invoice via email it does not use this email address but uses the sub account delivery email address.
This should be amended so that invoice emails use the sub account invoice address email.

Sub Account Delivery Emails

If the "Auto Email Delivery Docket" function is used for a sales account with a sub account, the despatch email is sent to the sub accounts delivery email address.
There is an email address held against the sub account record in Sales Files > Customers.