


Stock Warning

Stock Warning Messages

We have made a couple of changes to the stock warning message (which is activated if ‘Display Stock Message is set to true in Blind Types and Stock Items.

1. If the stock in hand figure falls below the ‘re-order level’, a message now appears saying ‘Stock in hand is below the re-order level for this item’.
The message does not appear if the original stock message appears.

2. We have created a new field in the Fabrics table called ‘To Be Discontinued’.
If this fabric is chosen and ‘To Be Discontinued’ = true, then a message appears saying ‘This fabric has been discontinued and will not be reordered’.

Order Enquiry > WIP Blind Scan

When Shop floor system = true in Administration > Parameters and ‘Enable WIP Status’ = true and ‘Display Stock Message’ = true in both the stock item and blind type, when doing ‘WIP Blind Scan’, ‘WIP Blind scan’ no longer brings up the stock warning message if there is not available stock.

We have removed the ability to flag an order OOS from the stock warning for certain users.
Therefore there is an advanced parameter to do this. It is called ‘Allow Set As OOS’.
If it is set to true, then when the OOS message appears in order entry, the user has permission to set OOS to true.

EDI Import > Stock Warnings on Online/EDI Orders

If a stock warning is generated on an order imported through EDI enquiry, previously the order was still automatically checked.
This has been changed so that the EDI Import routine will not mark an order is checked if any stock warnings are generated.

Order Processing > Orders > Stock Warning Message
There is a new quotation parameter called ‘Enable Stock Warning For Quotations’ which defaults to false.
If this is set to true, then the stock warning message will not appear in quotations.

This change affects the stock warning functionality.

There is a new parameter called ‘Display Stock Warning If Below Re-order Level’ which defaults to false.
This will not affect the existing stock warning logic if the amount calculated is below the stock in hand.
If the flag is set to true and the amount calculated takes you below the re-order level but above stock in hand, then the message will not appear.