


Stock Transaction Entry

It is also possible to make manual stock adjustments.
This is done in Stock Control > Stock Transaction Entry.
If a receipt date is entered, then the ‘Stock In Hand’ figure is increased.
If an issue date is entered, then the ‘Stock In Hand’ is reduced.

When the stock is issued in a stock transaction for a ‘Batch Number’ item, it is now taken off stock as a whole (like it currently does) and also out of the stock location you selected.
Previously it took the correct amount off the stock as a whole, but it did not take it out of the stock location. Instead it created a new transaction in the Batch stock transfer page.
It no longer does this part.

There is a Multi Location function in Blidnata.

If ‘Enable Stock Location by Transaction’ = true, there is a function to transfer stock from one 'Group Stock Location' to another.
An issue date will be entered which will also fill the receipt date with the same date.
There is a choice to enter 'From Group Stock Location' and 'To Group Stock Location'.

When 'OK And Next' is selected, two stock transactions are created, one 'Issue' from the 'From' location and another to the 'To' location.