


Stock Take Entry and Factory Stock

The way stock control works in Blindata is influenced by the ‘Enable Factory Stock’ flag in Administration > Parameters.
If this is switched on, then stock amounts are held in two places – ‘Stock In Hand’ (warehouse) and ‘Factory Stock In Hand’.
Also, when blinds are changed to WIP or manufactured (depending on the setup of ‘Update Stock at WIP Stage), factory stock is updated.

If 'Enable Factory Stock’ is switched off, then the stock will only be updated in ‘Stock In Hand’.
Please check the Stock Take Entry for Warehouse.
The example above is when the company only has 1 production place which is a storage and a place where it makes blinds, which we would call - 'Warehouse', according to Blindata it is when the 'Enable Factory Stock' flag is turned off in the 'Parameters'.
So it means that all products are located only in 1 place, which means that in order to make a revision (Stock Control) we would probably need to pause the manufacturing process, in order to calculate the stocks.
In this case, it is important to avoid stock movement until the 'Stock Control' process is finished.

And the second example (which is provided in this article) is when you have 2 production places - 1 storage (Warehouse) and another place where you manufacture blinds (Factory), in this case, you probably move products from the 'Warehouse' to 'Factory' from time to time.
So you would have 2 stock numbers ('Stock In Hand' and 'Factory Stock In Hand') the 'Enable Factory Stock' flag is turned on in the 'Parameters'.
In this case, it is easy to calculate the stock since you don't need to pause the manufacturing process.
It means that you can calculate the 'Warehouse' ('Stock In Hand' value) without interruptions in production since you have stocks needed for production in Factory (Factory Stock In Hand)

Stock is altered by the following methods in Blindata.
Most importantly that the 'Stock Held' flag should be ticked in the 'Stock Item > General' since it means exactly that it (stock item) will be included in the BOM calculations (Stock Transactions).
And accordingly, in the 'Non Stock' flag is ticked then this stock item will not be included in the BOM calculations.
The following fields are affected:
Stock In Hand, On Sales Order, On Purchase Order, Available Stock, Future Free Stock.

The stock control will be calculated based on the stock calculator that is specified in the 'Stock Item > General' tab.

Stock Items > Stock Transactions
We have a customer who does not want to see quote stock transactions or factory stock transactions in Stock Items > Stock Transactions.
There are two new parameters called ‘Display Quote Stock Transactions’ and ‘Display Factory Stock Transactions’ in Parameters.
These both default to false, and neither quote nor factory stock transactions will appear in the Stock transactions tab.
If they are switched on, they will appear.
The ‘Display Factory Stock Transactions’ flag only displays if ‘Use Factory Stock’ = true.

If you need to update the 'Factory Stock In Hand' (and not the 'Stock In Hand' Warehouse) please tick the 'Factory Stock' flag:

The updated 'Factory Stock In Hand' field:

A stock quantity can be entered (which will be the stock take figure), the difference between the stock quantity and stock take figure will be calculated and a stock take adjustment figure will be created which will be the difference between the two figures.

Please note that 'Stock Take Entry’ can be imported by XLS file.
The actual example of the spreadsheet is located in the 'Blindata > Help > Help > Imported Files > Sample Import Files > Blindata Import Master Spreadsheet.xls.

If you add a number in the 'Factory Stock' column then this import routine only updates the 'Factory Stock In Hand' field and the 'Stock Item > Stock Transaction' tab.

Please note that even if you use the 'Factory Stock In Hand' it is still possible to make stock control in the Warehouse, and update only the 'Stock In Hand' field.
There are options to be able to import either warehouse stock or factory stock or both.
There are two flags in this form, called ‘Import Warehouse Stock’ and ‘Import Factory Stock’, which both default to true.
‘Import Factory Stock’ only displays if factory stock is switched on in Parameters.

There is functionality to make the quantity of all non-counted items ‘0’.
Previously if the stock take records were imported, only the records that were imported updated the relevant ‘Stock In Hand’ figures in the records.
There are two flags, called ‘Zeroise Stock in Hand’ and (if ‘Use Factory Stock’ = true) ‘Zeroise Factory Stock In Hand’.
If these are set to true, then the relevant stock record fields are zeroized before the import is done.

Please see below:

During the 'Stock Take Entry' process, it is important to update the stock item > cost price to the actual pricing.
This can be done via the 'Administration > Import From Excel > Stock Item > Unit Costs' routine and the file below:

More details about the 'Unit Costs' tab are here.
In case you are using the purchase ordering function, it is also a good idea to update the reorder level, minimum order quantity, and 'Purchase Order Generation' flag via the 'Import from Excel > Stock Update' routine.

More details about regular purchase ordering are here.