


Stock Location

The ‘Stock Location’ system table is used to organize stock locations into groups for the company’s needs.

This table refers to the Group Stock Location system table which holds the list of stock location groups.

The ‘Location’ field (Stock Control > Stock Items > General > Location) in its turn looks up the ‘Stock Location’ system table.
A user may choose a correspondent location from a drop down list.

Users are set up to be in one or another group location. Generally, if a user enters an order, that order is normally made in
the same location as where the order was entered. But sometimes because there is not enough stock available in one location, the
order will be made in the other location. Before this can be decided, a manager will need to see if enough stock is available in each location.

If ‘Enable Stock Transaction By Location’ is switched on and there is a Button Visibility choice in Administration > Users (Print BOM by location),
then there will be a new report called ‘Bill Of Materials By Location’ (Order Processing > Orders > Print BOM by Location). The group stock locations
will be reflected there.