


Stock Item Update

The ‘Stock Item Update’ menu option is in the ‘Stock Control’ menu.
This form can be used to change multiple records at once.
Please note that records can be filtered by columns.

For example, if you want to filter all fabric descriptions that consist ‘Tube’, you can click on the ‘Custom’ choice in the filter and enter this.

You can then filter further by blind type or any other column you want.
Once you have selected the records you want to globally change, you can select the field at the bottom of the form that you want to update.

Enter the new value in the relevant field and then click on ‘Update (relevant field)’.
Two warning messages will then appear before the update is actually carried out.
If you are updating a large number of records, it may take a while to run.

The fields that can be updated are

Add Unit Cost Records
Adjustment Trans. Type
Allow Horizontal Join
Alternative Fabric Group
Band Index
Base Price Table Option
Batch Numbering
BOM Group
BOM Label Sequence
Bought In Blind Only
Care Code
Carriage Type
Component Blind Type
Component Not Available Online
Coordination Group
Cost Discount
Cost Nominal
Cost Price Band
Country Of Origin
Currently Not In Use
Cut Length Charge Amt
Cut Length Cost
Default Code
Default Quantity To 1
Discount Class
Enable Process Scan
Enable Sage 300 Posting
Exclude From Deflection Calc
Exclude From Gear Weight Calc
Exclude From Link Option Warning
Exclude From Project BOM
Exclude from Shutter Rules
Exclude From Torque Calc
Fabric Group
Fabric Not In Use
Fabric Optimise
Fabric Temperature
Fabric Thickness
Fabric Type
Inland Charges
Is Null
Kanban OOS
Labour Item
Landed Cost
Link Option
Main Blind Option Price
Manual Stock Usage
Manufacturing Time
Max. Fabric Cut
Maximum Drop
Measurement Unit
Min. Fabric Cut
Minimum Drop
Minimum Order Quantity
Mixed Slat
Multi Blind BOM Only
Non Discount Item
Non Stock
Openness %
Option Colour
Option Price Group
Out Of Stock
Pack Quantity
Pattern Repeat Dummy Fabric
Process Type
Quality Check Required
Quantity Default
Quantity Description
Reduce Stock By Rounded Up
Re-order Level
Roll Length
Roll Width
Roller Table
Sales Nominal
Scrap Allowance
Scrap Nominal Code
Show In Component Line
Sq Metre and Price Table
Stock Held In House
Stock In Hand
Stock Nominal Code
Sub Category
Supplier Unit Of Measure
Tick Price Overridden
To Be Discontinued
Turn If Width > Roll Width
Unit Cost / Unit Of Sale / Product Blind Type
Unit Cost Price
Unit Cost Price from General
Unit Selling Price
Update Stock In Hand Only
Use Stock Uplift % In Component Detail Entry
VAT Code
Weight Group
Zeroise Chain Length