


Stock Enquiry form

Stock Setup > Uplift Prices

There is a facility to uplift a lot of unit cost prices and selling prices at once.
There is a button at the bottom of this form called Uplift Prices.
This button is used to display another form that allows you to choose either ‘Unit Cost Price’ or ‘Unit Selling Price’, and also a field to enter the ‘Percentage Uplift’.
Once these fields have been selected, two warning messages will appear.
The first says ‘You have chosen to uplift cost/selling prices by x%. Are you sure?’
If the answer is yes, then a further message appears saying ‘Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?’.

If the answer is yes, then the records that have been selected (by filtering in the ‘Stock Enquiry’ form, will be updated.

If you uplift a cost price for a stock item and that cost price is to 4 decimal places, the result is only held to 2 decimal places.
It should still be 4 decimal places.
For example, the cost price is 0.0172.
If it is uplifted by 3.5%, then it should change to 0.0178, but it is being changed to 0.02.

It is possible to globally uplift unit costs by the supplier.
At the moment there is an ‘Uplift Prices’ button on the stock enquiry form. This will uplift all records that have been selected.
In other words, records can be filtered and only those records filtered will have the cost uplift % applied.
If ‘Unit Cost Price’ is chosen, then the prices in the ‘Unit Costs’ tab are uplifted as well.