


Square Metre/Linear Width Pricing

We have adjusted the way ‘Square Metre Pricing’ is working. Previously, the ‘Square Metre Pricing’ flag is held against the blind type.
But, in some cases, square metre pricing may only relate to certain customers.
There is additional functionality required because we can also have linear width pricing for some customers.

Therefore we have made the following changes.

1. The ‘Square Metre Pricing’ flag has bee removed from the Blind Types form.
2. We have changed the ‘Square Metre Pricing’ menu option in Pricing to ‘Square Metre / Linear Width Pricing’.
3. We created a new field in the square metre pricing table to indicate whether pricing is square metre or linear width metre price.
4. We now show the minimum width and drop fields for sq metre pricing in the square metre pricing table.
5. We have added the department to the square metre pricing form.
6. We have altered the order detail entry so it can look up prices for square metre and linear metre by price table and blind type, fabric group and department.
If there is a record in the ‘Square Metre Pricing’ table, then the square metre / linear price should be used, otherwise, the standard price table is looked at.
The pricing functionality looks at the minimum sizes and works out the price the same way as it does at the moment.

There is a field in the blind type record called 'Make Price'.
There is then a button in the 'Formula' for Pricing > Option Price Enquiry' and Square Metre / Linear Width Pricing for 'Make Price' which accesses this new field.

A Railroad Fabric Formula Button has been added to the Square Metre/Linear Width Pricing Page as to add the formula to work out the fabric qty when the railroad checkbox is ticked.
When the formula form is displayed, there are now button choices for ‘Man Width’ and ‘Man Drop’. It is therefore now possible to create a price formula for the exact manufactured size.

There is a column choice for the customer.
It is not possible to save a customer and a department in the same pricing record. It is possible for both department and customer to be null, though.
The order detail line entry has been changed to check for a customer here as well.

There is a field for ‘Formula’ in the square metre / linear pricing screen.
This is to enable the following formula to be used for curtains pricing.

(Window width * fullness ratio / roll width) rounded up to next integer * (((Drop + hem allowance)/Pattern repeat) rounded up to next integer)*Pattern repeat.

Order Processing > Orders Curtains / Romans

The tabbing is now correct in order detail line entry if the fabric is chosen is a free type – after fabric, it goes to fabric free type.
In order detail line option entry, after an option is chosen, the pointer remains at the option choice that has just changed.
It is now pricing correctly for Romans if prices are held in Pricing > Linear Width Pricing.


If a curtain has a border, this means that a second fabric has to be used. This is held as an option choice ‘Fabric’.
For a border fabric, the fabric in the option needs to have pattern repeat and roll width.
Therefore we need to be able to enter a ‘Border Fabric Pattern Repeat’ and ‘Border Fabric Roll Width’ and use these fields when calculating how much stock to use.
It is also needed for pricing so we now have these new fields in the ‘formula’ form for ‘Dimension Calculations’, ‘Option Price Tables’ and ‘Square Metre / Linear Width Pricing’.

For blind identifier = Curtain, there is a new parameter called ‘Enter Fabric Quantity’ which defaults to false.
If this is set to true, then in order detail line entry, the user is able to enter the fabric quantity (they will also enter the fabric selling price) and these two can be multiplied together to give the base price.
This can be achieved by creating a formula for the price in Pricing > Square Metre / Linear Width Pricing.

Pricing > Price By Square Foot

We can now hold the price by square foot in Pricing > Square Metre Pricing. At the moment a square metre price can be held in the Pricing > Square Metre / Linear Pricing table.

If ‘Imperial Setup’ is switched on, this now says ‘Square Foot / Linear Width Pricing’ and the price is held as a square foot price.
In Order Processing > Orders, if there is a price here, it is calculated based on the square foot of the blind, not the square metreage.

Order Processing > Orders

It is now possible to show either the square metreage or the square footage of a blind in a column on the ‘Window Blind Amend’ form.
If ‘Imperial Setup’ in Parameters = false, then square metreage is held, if true then square footage is held. The calculation is just the exact width x exact drop. This is a column choice.
If the column is selected, it then shows the ‘Total Sq. Mts’ or ‘Total Sq. Ft’ at the bottom of the form and also the ‘Price Per Sq Mts’ or ‘Price Per Sq Ft’.

Order Processing > Orders > Totals Tab

There are two new fields in the Totals tab the total area of the blinds in the order.
If ‘Imperial Setup’ = true, then the first field says ‘Total Sq. Feet’ and the second field says ‘Price Per Sq. Foot’.
If ‘Imperial Setup = false, these fields should say ‘Total Sq. Metres’ and ‘Price Per Sq. Metre’.

If the price is updated in the Totals tab, these fields should recalculate.

The calculation is the total square footage (if imperial) or total square metres for the order.

If there are three detail lines and sizes are:

Entered width: 45, entered drop: 50
Entered width: 60, entered drop: 57
Entered width: 41 1/4, entered drop: 74 3/8

The total square footage is ((45 x 50) + (60 x 57) + (41 ¼ x 74 3/8))/144 = (2250 + 3420 + 3067.97)/144 = 60.68 square feet.

If metric, then (example is different sizes):

Entered width: 1200, entered drop: 1600
Entered width: 1750, entered drop: 1165
Entered width: 960, entered drop: 2145

The total square metreage is ((1200 x 1600) + (1750 x 1165) + (960 x 2145))/1000000 = (1920000 + 2038750 + 2059200)/1000000 = 4.29 sq metres.