


Splitting Orders

There are occasions when orders cannot be fulfilled properly eg stock availability issues. When this happens, there are two options.
The first option is that the order can be partially despatched, and then fully despatched when the remaining blinds are manufactured.
However, this means that the order cannot be invoiced until all the goods have been despatched.

The second option is to split orders. This can be done by right-clicking on an order in the ‘Order Amend Enquiry’ form and selecting ‘Split Order’.

Once this is chosen, you can select the detail lines that should be moved into a new order, and then click on the ‘Split Order’ button.
The new order will then have a status of ‘Order Entered’ and the existing order will only have the non selected blinds on it.

However, there is currently an issue with this.
The new order will have an order status of ‘Order Entered’ but the detail lines may have a status of ‘Awaiting Manufacture’ or ‘Work In Progress’.
The only way to resolve this at the moment is to use the ‘Status Field’ button to change the order status, which will in turn update the detail line statuses to a matching status.
The order can then be processed.

The new order records the history of what has been done.