


Spare Parts

Spare Parts

We have created a new table for ‘Spare Parts’. This is required because some orders are sent out with spare parts, in case there is a problem.
This contains:

Blind Type
Require Option (looks up Fabrics table)
Also Require Option (looks up Fabrics table)
Spare Part
Additional Item

There is a new tab for this in Blind Types called ‘Spare Parts’.

When an order is created, the customer checks to see if ‘Spare Parts’ = true or false. If true, then spare parts must be calculated for the order.
The spare parts table for the blind type is then interrogated to see what parts are required. It will use a spare part if ‘Require Option’ and ‘Also Require Option’ are both satisfied.
If ‘Require Option’ and ‘Also Require Option’ are both null, then the spare part will be required regardless of the options chosen in the order detail line.
Quantity may be held as a number < 1 eg 0.1. This is because if a number of blinds are in the order, only one spare part of a specific stock item will be required.
The quantity required will then be rounded up to the next whole number.

Sales Files > Customers

The following new fields are now in the customer table:

Bank Customer Ref is in Details tab.
Hardware Badges. This looks up a new table in Administration > System Tables called ‘Hardware Badges’, which contains only an id and Description field.
It is displayed in the 'Option Defaults' tab.
There is also be a new field called ‘Spare Parts’ (true/false), displayed in the 'Options' tab.

Spare Parts / Packing List

Another new field has been created in the spare parts table. The Additional items field in spare parts table is used to define the items that appear in the additional items box for each blind type.
These will then appear on the additional items on the packing list.

In the spare parts table, there is a new field so we can specify customers who get spare parts that are not standard to all customers.
If there is no customer in the spare parts record, then the spare part is applied to all customers.
If there is a customer, then the spare part only applies to that customer when the order is being processed.
Packing List

In the ‘Additional Items’ box items only appear if we put > 0 in the quantity field in Blind Details > Blind Types > Spare Parts.

Label Print – Bespoke 18

For inverted blinds underneath the text on the bottom 2 labels (of the 4) it prints in bold lettering INSTALL INVERTED.
You must switch on the ‘Inverted’ flag in stock items for the relevant options.

We can print stock items on the labels that are specific to a customer who asks for those items regularly.
These are set in spare parts.