


Sales Lead Report

Sales Analysis

On the 'Sales Lead Status Report' and 'Sales Lead' Report, if a lead is changed to a quote and subsequently then to order, the report shows status as ‘Changed to Order’ instead of remaining as ‘Changed to Quote’.
There is a column for the customer company name in this report.
There are totals for ‘Quote Total’ and ‘Order Total’ at the end of the report in the respective columns.

Previously if a sales lead was created and then an appointment made for it, if that appointment was then deleted (using the delete key), the sales lead is completely deleted.
Instead of this, the sales lead is now given a status ‘Cancelled’.
Cancelled sales leads are excluded from the Sales Lead Report and Sales Lead Status Report, but they stay on ‘Fitters Sheet/Sales Lead Enquiry’ form so it would be possible to resurrect them.

Reports > Sales Lead Report – dates in the header

A number of improvements have been made to this report.

The filtering by status flags now works properly.
There is an option to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet.
The report is a lot more sophisticated in that it needs to show data tieing the sales leads to the quotes and then to orders.
However there may be sales leads that have not yet been converted to either, and these still need to appear.
The idea is to be able to get a far better report on what has actually happened to a sales lead.

The new list of headings for the Sales Lead report now looks like this:

Rep: this is the fitter/rep entered.
Lead No: sales lead a number
Entered: the date the sales lead was entered
Contact: sales lead contact name
Diary Date: appointment date
Last Status Change Date: date of last status change as a sales lead
Quote Date: date quote created (if not yet converted, leave blank)
Quote Total: quotation net total (if not yet converted, leave blank)
Order Date: date order created (if not yet converted, leave blank)
Order Total: order net total (if not yet converted, leave blank)
Post Code: postcode from sales lead
Department: department
Status: sales lead status
Source: order source
Details: details from sales lead