


Sage Pay

Blindata Online works with the Sage Pay -> Opayo.

Sage Pay 3.0 has been implemented on the online ordering site

We have made some further changes to the Sage Pay functionality.
If an order is entered for a proforma customer and ‘Allow Payment Online’ is true, then carriage is now charged – either normal carriage or same day despatch.
This is now done at the ‘Submit’ button stage and not when the order is saved.
Other Changes
Orders with 0 value or 0 lines or lines with 0 value cannot be submitted or sent to Sage Pay. Validation is performed when ‘Submit’ or ‘Pay Order’ is clicked.
Carriage is added for proforma customers at the point of orders.
The carriage charge is per order for these customers.
Same-day charges are added at the point of order for proforma customers.
When Sage Pay is clicked, and any carriage charges are added, the order and total value should be previewed to give the customer the option to proceed and cancel.
Confirm customers have the ability to print receipts online after they have paid via Sage Pay.
The ‘online reference’ be passed to Sage Pay and will then be stored against the order in Blindata

Additional menu items have been added in the top navigation to satisfy merchant account requirements:
Refund Policy
Privacy Policy
Delivery Information
Contact Us

Quotes can no longer be entered online. Orders can act as quotes before submission.

We have made a number of changes to Sage Pay, both in the Blindata App and in Blindata Online.
There is now a flag on the customer record to allow a Sage Pay to be made online.
It is called ‘Allow Online Payment’ and is in the ‘Online Settings’ tab.

Previously Blindata Online did nothing with the Sage Pay output. We need to record this against the online order. The following can happen.

Accepted – submit order automatically.
Incorrect data – return to order list
Refused – return to order list

Proforma customers are unable to submit orders online. Instead, providing they have ‘Allow Online Payment’ set to true, they will have to click ‘Sage Pay’ first. When the Sage payment is made successfully, the order is submitted automatically.

Orders that are paid online import into Blindata with status of ‘paid’ proforma. There is also a flag on the order to say payment was made online.
There is a history record on the order for an online payment.
An email is also sent to credit control when a Sage Pay order is imported via EDI.
We now hold a field for the credit control email in Administration > Parameters > Internal Email Addresses.
In the address in Sage Pay, nothing goes into the State field, as this only relates to the USA.

We have made some further changes to the Sage Pay functionality.
If an order is entered for a proforma customer and ‘Allow Payment Online’ is true, then carriage is now charged – either normal carriage or same day despatch.
This is now done at the ‘Submit’ button stage and not when the order is saved.

Other Changes
Orders with 0 value or 0 lines or lines with 0 value cannot be submitted or sent to Sage Pay. Validation is performed when ‘Submit’ or ‘Pay Order’ is clicked.
Carriage is added for proforma customers at point of orders. The carriage charge is per order for these customers.
Same day charges are added at point of order for proforma customers.
When Sage Pay is clicked, and any carriage charges added, the order and total value should be previewed to give the customer the option to proceed and cancel.
Confirm customers have the ability to print receipts online after they have paid via Sage Pay.
The ‘online reference’ be passed to Sage Pay and will then be stored against the order in Blindata

Additional menu items have been added in the top navigation to satisfy merchant account requirements:
Refund Policy
Privacy Policy
Delivery Information
Contact Us

Quotes can no longer be entered online.
Orders can act as quotes before submission.

Order Entry > Submit

It is now possible to pass a different Merchant Account through to Sage Pay depending on the customer’s currency.
We now hold the merchant account code against the currency type record.

EDI Import
The Sage pay transaction number is being passed into EDI file, it is updating into the order.

Sage Pay Duplicate Payment Functionality

The online status of an order is now updated to ’Pending Payment’ once the ‘Pay Order’ button is clicked.
This will then be changed to ‘Submitted’ if the payment completes successfully.
If the payment fails, or the user cancels, Sage Pay passes back the appropriate result, and the order status is reset to ‘Unsubmitted’.

Online Payment Pending

When paying an order online via Sage Pay, the status of the order is changed to ‘payment pending’.
This is some problems, so it has been temporarily disabled so that the order status remains at order entered and only changes at the submission stage after payment has been completed.
We will then review a better way of working the payment pending status for a future release.

Sage Pay

If the Sage Pay payment fails, the screen then showed a ‘Factory Order No’ against the order – now it does not get updated until after the order has been submitted.

Blindata Online

For proforma customers, we have had a request that they are able to submit a quotation to the desktop system instead of using Sage Pay and converting to an order.

At the moment the only way a proforma customer can process an order online is to pay for it first.
This means they have to use Sage Pay and a credit card which costs the customer extra (as a % fee on the credit card).
It is now possible to submit a quotation online which is then imported via EDI as a proforma quotation and then processed internally as a proforma.

To do this there is a new flag held against the customer record called ‘Allow Proforma Submit’ in Sales Files > Customers > Online, which defaults to false.

This flag is only visible if ‘Is Proforma’ = true in the customer record.

If the new flag is set to true, it is possible to submit the online order as a quotation.