


Roman Crease Calc

Roman Creases

There is functionality to print out two additional worksheet reports for Roman blinds.
Either one or the other will be chosen.

In the reports, the last panel is always equal to 50% of the normal panel size.
The first panel is always equal to normal panel size + headrail allowance.
The number of panels is determined by the drop.
There is a new field in the blind type record (if blind identifier = Austrian/ Roman) called ‘Use Crease Lines Calc’.
If this is set to true, then Roman Sheet 1 will be used.

The difference between the worksheets is that the calculations in Roman Sheet 1 is the default for all customers but there is an alternative.
Therefore we have a field in the customer record called ‘Use Alternative Roman Calculations’.

There is also a new ‘System Table’ called ‘Roman Crease Calc’. This contains ‘Panel Bar Table’, ‘Drop’, ‘Headrail Allowance’, ‘Adjustment’, ‘Panels’, ‘Gear Ratio’, ‘Lift Cords’.

There is also be a new parameter in the ‘Report Parameters’ called ‘Print Roman Work Sheet’.
This parameter works in the same way as ‘Print Modra Vertical Vane Report’ – if the order has a Roman blind type with ‘Use Crease Lines Calc’ in it, then one of the Roman reports is printed (Roman Sheet 1 or Roman Sheet 2) after the works orders are printed in ‘Production Documentation’.
If ‘Use Alternative Roman Calculations’ = false, then ‘Roman Sheet 1’ should be used. If ‘Use Alternative Roman Calculations’ = true, then ‘Roman Sheet 2’ should be used.

Roman Sheet 1 Calculations

1. Order number and batch number from detail line in format 123456/1
1. Customer company name
1. Customer reference
1. Fabric description
1. Man width
1. Man width
1. Man drop
1. Man drop + adjustment
1. Man drop + 5 (not sure about how we hold this). Should we just add 5mm to Man drop for the time being? Ok.
1. Lining colour – this is the ‘Lining’ option. Is this an option value from detail line where field name = ‘Lining’? Yes.
1. Number of panels
1. Calc from spreadsheet
1. Calc from spreadsheet
1. Headrail = Man width – rail cut difference (from blind type record)
Tiltshaft = Man width – panel bar cut (from blind type record)
Lathe bar = Man width – bottom bar cut (from blind type record)
Gear Ratio = from ‘Roman Crease Calc’ table.
Lift cord number = from ‘Roman Crease Calc’ table.
Sidewinder Control = Link option = ‘Control’ or ‘Control Type’
Chain loop = Chain Length.
1. Special instructions

Find the number of panels from ‘Roman Crease Calc’ table
((Drop + adjustment (from table) + headrail allowance) / number of panels) + headrail allowance

((Drop + adjustment (from table) + headrail allowance) / number of panels)

((Drop + adjustment (from table) + headrail allowance) / number of panels) / 2

Roman Sheet 2

1. Customer company name
1. Customer reference
1. Fabric description
1. Lining option, order number and batch number from detail line
1. Man width
1. Man drop
1. Man drop + adjustment
1. Calc from the spreadsheet. The same question as 13 items on ‘Roman Spreadsheet’
Cut Lining To = Man width – 5
Cut Headrail To = Man width – 7
Order headrail = from ‘Roman Crease Calc’ table
Let’s ignore the ‘Recess’ sizes here.
1. Number of panels
1. Calc from a spreadsheet. If this calculation is different from the first one, please specify these differences. They are the same.
1. To be specified. Should we just display ‘3’ as a hardcoded text for the time being? No, it is from ‘Roman Crease Calc’ table.
1. Control option. Is this an option value from detail line where field name = ‘Control’ (or maybe ‘Control Type’)
1. Chain length
1. Special instructions

The Roman Creases tables and calculations work properly if ‘Imperial Setup’ = true in Parameters.
This means it is possible to hold the entries in System Tables > Roman Creases in imperial and also work out the creases in imperial.