


Roller Table

Order Processing > Order Enquiry

There is a system table called ‘Roller Table’.
This means that blinds in Order Processing > Order Enquiry can now be assigned to specific roller tables.
This is done by right-clicking on the form to display the context menu and then making this choice.
When ‘Update Roller Table’ is selected, the following form appears:
Prior to doing this, records should be filtered to make updating the table field easier.

Roller Table Barcode

There is a new parameter in Parameters > Report Parameters called ‘Print Roller 2D Barcode’.
If this is switched on, then a new barcode format will print for a fabric cutting machine.

Here is an example of the data that makes up the barcode:


The first four digits tell the machine what type of blind to be produced, 0000 is standard 4 cut sides.
The code will be either taken from the blind type or from the fabric record. We could hold the code in the ‘Composition’ field in the stock record.
There should be a new field in the blind type record called ‘Blind Type Barcode’, which should only be visible if blind identifier = Roller or Vertical or Roma or Panel.
If the ‘composition’ field is blank, the code is taken from the blind type, otherwise, it is taken from the fabric record.

The second set of four digits is the first cut size. This should be a defined cutting size option.
The third set of four digits is the second cut size. This should be a defined cutting size option.
The fourth set of four digits is the third cut size. This should be a defined cutting size option.
The fifth set of four digits is the fourth and final cut size. This should be a defined cutting size option.

To be able to select the correct cutting size, there is a new field held against the ‘Cutting Option’ in the blind type record.
The field is called ‘Barcode Position’ and can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.