Required Data for Setup¶
Before going 'Live' the following information must be collected and compiled into the appropriate Excel format for Import into Blindata. Attached is our Blindata Master Import Template Workbook which contains all the Excel format templates needed to Import your essential data.
This data is not necessary to initially begin setting up Blind Types but must be completed before any Blind Type is fully functional.
The last critical requirement is to collect 'All' documents which your company currently uses to process and order from initial inquiry to final Invoice. Blindata has hundreds of existing document formats. If one of your documents is similar to an existing Blindata document but requires some modifications it is a simple process to make the changes to meet your needs. But is a New document format is needed we will do the programming required but you will need to submit a graphic design of the document with specification. The process is not as complicated as it might seem and we will help you throughout the process.