


Report Export Parameters

It is now possible to email the ‘Export Invoice’ report.
There is an option to do this in Report Export Parameters > * PDF Invoices* .
If ‘Print Batch Documentation’ = true, then the ‘Item Listing’ report is also emailed.

If ‘Print Batch Documentation’ is set to true in Administration > Parameters > Report Parameters, and ‘Email Order Ack’ is selected in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’, three reports were emailed.
It now emails two reports, and not the order acknowledgement report set up in Report Export Parameters > PDF Acknowledgement.

Once an order has been imported, there is now functionality to email an order acknowledgement immediately to the email address that is held in that order.
There is a new flag in the customer record called ‘Auto Email EDI Order Ack’.
If this is set to true, then when an EDI order is imported, an order acknowledgement (using the pdf acknowledgement layout in Administration > Parameters > Report Export Parameters) is emailed to the customer.

It is now possible to email a credit note. There is now a field for ‘PDF Credit Note’ in ‘Report Export Parameters’, and a button for ‘Email Credit Note’ in the Credit Enquiry form.
This button has a permission flag in Administration > Users > Button Visibility.

There is now a new field choice in ‘Report Export Parameters’ called ‘PDF Batch Invoice’.
This means it is now possible to have different print layouts for the printed and emailed invoices when using Financials > Invoice Batch Print.

Quotation / Proforma Printing

We have had a request to print different layouts for quotations and proforma invoices. This means we now hold a new report choice in Parameters > Reports and also in Report Export Parameters.

When ‘Print Quote’ is selected, the report selected is now dependent on whether ‘Proforma’ is set to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
If ‘Yes’, then it should print the ‘Proforma Invoice’ report if ‘No’ then the ‘Quotation’ report.
The same rules apply to email the quote/proforma – it looks at the relevant ‘Report Export Parameter’ report choice.

We have a customer that has some of their customers set up as ‘Batch Invoice’ = true.
A new invoice layout was developed to handle this but it meant that the invoice layout had to be changed in Parameters > Report Parameters > Batch Invoice, each time the report was run, which was not convenient.
Historically the problem was actually to do with the word ‘Batch’ as it has two different meanings with regard to invoice printing.
It can be used to print a lot of invoices (‘Normal Invoices’ in ‘Invoice Batch Print’) or it can be used for print batch invoices (‘Batch Invoice’ is set to true in the customer record).

Therefore there is now an extra report choice in Parameters > Report Parameters (and Report Export Parameters) called ‘ Customer Batch Invoice ’. This is used for invoices for customers where ‘Batch Invoice’ = true.

There are now new parameters to determine if a PO email is sent straight away or not.
At the moment we have parameters like this for other reports in Parameters > Report Export Parameters > Email Straight Away and there are now choices here for regular or bought-in PO reports.

When an email order confirmation is sent or a quotation sent, it is now possible for a ‘ Request Read Receipt ’ to be sent with the email.
There is a new flag for this here, against each email option.

If the 'Email Straight Away' flag is disabled, email messages will open in Outlook and the user will have to confirm the email process, so the email will not be sent automatically.