


Regular PO Options

More details on how to create a Regular Purchase Order

More details on how to create a Bought In Purchase Order

The following parameters are found in the 'Regular PO Options' tab.

More details here.

Purchase Order Generation – If this field is set to true, purchase orders will be generated for stock items.

Stock Held In House – If this field is set to true, a purchase order will be generated if there is not enough stock in hand to fulfil the order.

The quantity that is saved relates to the 'Minimum Order Quantity' and 'PO Add On Amount' held against the stock item.
For example, if 25m of fabric is required but the minimum quantity is 100m, then 100m will be stored in the quantity field.
Or if 10m of fabric is required and the “PO Add On Amount” is 20, then 30m of fabric will be ordered.

If the ‘Unit Of Sale Minimum Quantity’ is entered as a unit description amount ie be able to hold ‘100m Roll’ for example.
After the ‘Unit Of sale’ or this field is amended, the ‘Minimum Order Quantity’ will be updated

Fabric Optimisation
More details here

Hardware Optimisation
More details here.

Cut Length Charge
More details here.

Exclude from Related Sales Orders
There is a new flag in Stock Items > Regular PO Options called ‘Exclude From Related Sales Orders’, which defaults to false.
The purpose of this flag is to restrict the products that related sales orders will appear against in Purchase Order Enquiry > Regular PO.

Single Regular PO
When the Create PO button is selected – it creates the Regular PO and then processes for the EDI transaction exactly the same as the bought in.
It now updates the Order status to order printed even if there are only Wholesale blinds on the order and flags the PO as sent.
The functionality now works the same way as it currently does for a bought in order.
It therefore also works the same way if there is a bought in PO and regular PO created from the same sales order and also if there is just a regular PO created.
This has been done by introducing a new flag in the stock record called ‘Single Regular PO’.
This field can also been seen in the component order detail line entry if the permission is switched on in Administration > Users > Forms Visibility > Components Form.
There is a new flag called ‘Single Regular PO’ held against the stock record in the ‘Regular PO Options’ tab. If this is set to true, then it is pulled in the component detail line entry.
If an EDI import is done for the stock item, it also sets this flag against the component detail line.

Print Stock Label
It is now possible to print out stock labels once a regular PO has been entered.
To do this, the following must be set up.
The relevant stock records should have the flag ‘Print Stock Label’ = true.
The ‘Calculate Stock Label Count’ should be set to true in Parameters > PO Parameters.
A report name must be filled for ‘Stock Label’ in Parameters > Other Reports.