


Quotation Stage

Order Processing > Quotations > Create Order

If ‘Use Project Management’ is switched on, this message appears.
This is now independent of project management and is called the ‘Activate Quotation Stage’ which defaults to false.
This parameter is held in Parameters > Quotation Parameters.
Records for the quotation stage can be held in Administration > System Tables > Quotation Stage.

The first field has 50 chars and the second is true/false.
Only one of the records can have ‘Success’ = true and only one record can have ‘Lost’ = true. These cannot be the same record.

We now hold the ‘Quotation Stage’ against the quotation record. This is also a column choice in ‘Quotation Enquiry’.

If ‘Use Project Management’ is switched on, only a quotation with ‘Quotation Stage’ where ‘Success’ = true can be converted to an order.
If a project that is tied to a quotation is lost, then a quote for that project cannot be converted to an order.
If ‘Use Project Management’ = true, then the logic that applies for ‘Is Live’ and ‘Don’t Follow Up’ will not be functional.

Order Processing > Quotations

If a project is flagged as ‘Project Lost’, then all the quotations that are tied to that project are also set to ‘Quotation Stage’ = Lost (ie set to the quotation stage that has ‘Lost’ = true).

Order Processing > Quotations > Quotation Stage

The quotation stage now defaults to ‘Pending’ for a new quotation.
To enable this, there is a new field in Administration > Parameters > Quotation Parameters called ‘Quotation Stage’ which defaults to blank, but looks up the ‘Quotation Stage’ table.

Reports > System Reports > Sales Forecast Report

This report now excludes ‘Unconverted’ quotation stage records (if the new flag in System Tables > Quotation Stage’ is set to true) and ignores the quotation status.
The format of the columns has been improved.