


Quality Control

There is a field in the Orders table called ‘Quality Control Checked’.
It is a true/false field.

A menu option (in Order Processing) is available, called Quality Control, which shows all remake orders.
It also shows order id, order date, Log number, customer, required date, customer order no. and quality control checked.
The only field that can be changed is quality control checked.

The deliver scan and deliver buttons on the order enquiry screen have the following additional logic applied to them: if an order is a remake, quality control checked must be true before the order can be delivered.
If not, a message should appear saying ‘This order is a remake and has not yet been quality checked, please contact the Quality Department’.

Quality Check Flag

There is a new flag on the order table for "Quality Check" similar to the "Remake" flag.
This means that an order can be forced to go through the quality check system, even if it isn’t a remake.
To release an order that has been set to quality check required, go to Administration > Quality Control.

The order gets to Quality control form if it “Quality Control Required” flag is checked for this order.
It will remain there until the user confirms that the quality has been checked and delivers the order.

At the moment, it is possible to check the “Quality Control Required” flag even after the order has been delivered.
As discussed we’ll change that in the next version.
After the order has been delivered, it should not be possible to check “Quality Control Required”, or “Remake” flags.

The label now says "QUALITY CHECK", similar to "REMAKE" in exactly the same position.

If an order is flagged as ‘Quality Checked’, it is no longer possible to deliver it until it has been unchecked in Order Processing > Quality Control.
The system allowed it to be delivered in Order Enquiry without it being checked.
It already worked properly (ie the message appears) in Order Processing > Deliver button.

Administration > Users > Quality Control permissions

Advanced permissions are now working on the Quality Control form so that users can view this option but not quality check blinds.

We have a new option set up in Administration > Users > Advanced Permissions so that a user can edit the Quality Control screen.
This controls whether a user can update quality control or not.
There is now an option to lock down the 'Quality Check Required' option on the order entry form.
There is a new advanced permission for this in Advanced Permission > Order, called ‘Quality Control’.

Order Processing > Quality Control

When an order is taken off ‘Quality Control’ (quality control is checked), a record is now stored in the order history.
It holds operator, date/time and says ‘Quality Control checked’.

Order Processing > Orders

Previously remakes/repairs were automatically flagged as ‘Quality Control’.
This can now be de-activated.

There is a new parameter called ‘Remake/Repair on Quality Check’ in Administration > Parameters.
If this is set to true, then remakes/repairs will go on quality control (this is what happens at the moment).
If it is set to false, then ‘Quality Control’ will not be set to true on the order for a remake/repair.
It defaults to true.

Quality Control List

This report is also in the Production List form.

Folding Style is an option. All the fields with tick boxes beside them are the fabric and then options.
This report is used to check that each blind is ok before it leaves the factory.

Quality Control by Blind Type

There is a new system table called ‘Quality Control By Blind Type’. This holds fields for the customer and blind type.
If there is a record in here for the relevant customer and blind type, then an order will be flagged as ‘Quality Control’.

This functionality ill only work if the parameter ‘Quality Check By Blind’ is switched on in Administration > Parameters.

Order Processing > Orders > Quality Control

There is a new parameter so the quality control check is not done at the despatch stage.
The new parameter is called ‘Ignore Quality Control Flag at Despatch’. This applies at all despatch points.

Order Enquiry > Process Scan

The following scenario was a problem: enter an order that requires quality control – just one blind will do.
Do all process scans – when the last one is done, a message appears saying that quality control has not been checked, and the detail status changes to ‘Blind Manufactured’.
If you then try to do the quality check scan, it says ‘incorrect status’.
What now happens is that the blind is manufactured, the order status changes to order manufactured and the quality scan can be done.

Order Processing > Order Enquiry

In the Order Enquiry screen, there are now column choices for 'Quality Control' and 'Checked'.