


Purchase Order Problems

We are able to record if there is a problem with a purchase order.
There is a new table in Administration > System Tables called Purchase Order Problems.

This will be installed with only have one field, which will be a text description.
There will be a default record called ‘On Schedule’ and this will be used as the default when a purchase order is created.
The user can then set up additional purchase order problem descriptions.
It is possible to amend this new field in Stock Setup > Purchase Order Enquiry.

There is another new field called ‘Revised Delivery Date’, which can be edited in ‘Purchase Order Amend’ and is displayed on the purchase order enquiry screen.

We are also able to hold an expected delivery date for the blind to arrive from the supplier.
This has been done for bought in blinds, partly bought in blinds and stock purchase orders.

The expected delivery date is calculated by looking at lead times and then adding the longest lead time to the current date to get the expected delivery date.
Holidays and weekend days are taken into account (it is very similar to the way the required date is calculated in the sales order entry program).
The expected delivery date is displayed on the purchase order enquiry screen, and it is possible to change it in the purchase order amend screen.