


Purchase Invoicing

Please check the PO Parameters section first.

Purchase invoices can be created in Blindata in Purchase Order Enquiry.
Once a regular or bought in purchase order has been delivered, an invoice can be created.
This can be done by selecting the ‘Update’ button on the form.

When the ‘Update’ button is selected, the following form displays detail lines that can be invoiced.

If any detail lines need to be edited, then the ‘Edit’ button can be used to change individual lines.
This could involve changing cost prices or nominal codes.

Detail lines need to be ‘included’ before a purchase invoice can be created. If ‘Select All’ is chosen, then all records will be included.
The ‘Create Invoice’ button is then enabled.

When the ‘Create Invoice’ button is selected (and providing all nominal codes are set correctly in the detail lines), the user is asked to enter an invoice date (which defaults to the current date) and an invoice number.

It is possible to add a 'Carriage' line to the purchase invoice when the message pops up:

There are two fields in the supplier record: ‘Carriage Free Over’ and ‘Carriage Amount’. These are both currency fields.
When a purchase order is generated for a bought in or regular purchase order, the system now calculates if a carriage charge is to be applied. If it is, the appropriate carriage amount is put in the purchase order record.
There is an option not to post all detail lines – they appear in financials, but to group the transactions by nominal code.
The carriage amount is now shown in the bottom part of the form.
The message about entering the carriage has been made more meaningful.
Also, if Blindata accounting is used, the user is also asked to enter a transaction reference, and this now also happens with the integration to Sage.

There is a ‘Carriage Free Over’ amount and ‘Carriage Amount’ held against the supplier record.
If the ‘Carriage Free Over’ is set to a very large figure, the carriage will always be applied to a purchase order for that supplier.
When a purchase invoice is created for a PO, the user is asked if they want to enter a carriage amount.
If yes is answered to this, a carriage amount is then taken from the PO or can be entered.

When ‘Save’ is selected here, it is now possible to assign this carriage amount to the sales order or orders that relate to this PO.
Therefore another window now appears that says ‘Assign Carriage Cost to Sales Order(s), with choices of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’, default ‘Yes’.

If ‘Yes’ is answered, then the carriage cost is apportioned against the sales orders, with a record or records created in the ‘ExtraCosts’ table for the value entered for Carriage in the PO.
This record will then be viewable in the sales order in the ‘Extra Costs’ tab.

There is a new field in System Tables > Cost Price Description called 'Carriage'.
When the cost price is added for the PO carriage, the system will try to find the record with 'Carriage' = true. This record will then be used in the added Sales Order > Extra costs record.

Create a new ‘Carriage’ stock item with the correct Supplier record.
Then add the 'Cost Nominal' to the 'Carriage' stock items according to the supplier currency.
Create bought-in PO, deliver it and press the ‘Update’ button in order to create a purchase invoice > ‘Create Invoice’ button and ‘Yes’ for adding the Carriage line.

After this, the following form is displayed where the purchase invoice can be saved or discarded.

If it is saved, then purchase invoice lines are saved and displayed in the bottom part of the form.

There are then options to:

Post Included
Audit Trail Report
Invoice Number
Set Dispute
Delete Invoice

Post Included

All detail lines that are selected will be posted to the purchase ledger. This is dependent on the accounting system that is set up in Parameters > Accounting Parameters.
If Sage or Quickbooks is selected, then the detail lines will be validated before posting takes place.

Audit Trail Report

This will print out an audit trail (only if Sage or Blindata accounting is being used)

Invoice Number

The invoice number can be adjusted here.

Set Dispute

This button can be used to set the invoice as being disputed. If it is flagged as disputed, then it can be set to ‘Undispute’ it.

Delete Invoice

This option can be used to delete the invoice. This means that the invoice can be created again.