


Product Discount

There is a new table to hold product discount for customers.
This is required because some customers are given specific discounts on stock items, but these are amounts, not percentage discount.
It is possible to view this table via a form on a new tab in the Customers form.

When a component detail line is entered in order entry, the program now checks in this new table to see if there is an applicable price for that product for that customer.
The quantity is also checked because the price may alter depending on the quantity being sold.

It is now possible to discount products by percentage as well as by price.
In the following form, there is a new field for discount percentage. The user can fill in either ‘Price’ or ‘Percentage’, but not both.
The component detail line entry will then look at the product discount and select the price accordingly.
If the percentage is chosen, it will go into the discount percentage in the detail line.

In this tab there is a new field called ‘Category’.
This holds the category id. If the category is filled in, then the product field will be blank and vice versa.
When a component detail line is entered, the program checks to see if there is a discount amount by customer and category as well as checking for discount by customer and product.
The discount for customer and category will always be a percentage.

The ‘Unit of Sale’ field has been added to the Sales Files > Customers > Product Discount tab.
We also have ‘Quantity’ as a new field, with ‘Unit Quantity’ replacing the existing ‘Quantity’.
It is also possible to import product discounts with a unit of sale.
‘Unit Of Sale’ has been added to the ‘Customer Stock Discount’ import spreadsheet.
If it is left blank, it will be assumed it is ‘Unit’.

Import From Excel > Customer Stock Discount

There are two new fields in the UserProductDiscount table, ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’. These new fields have been added to the Customers > Product Discount tab.
The new fields have also be added to the ‘Customer Stock Discount’ import spreadsheet used in Import From Excel > Customer Stock Discount.
The ‘Copy Discounts’ function has also been changed to copy the start and end discount dates.
This import has also been changed so the ‘Update Discount End Dates’ functionality is also applied to ‘Customer Stock Discount’ where the records match.
When a component detail line item is entered it checks the start and end dates for the discount against the order date.
If there are no start and end date, the discount will still apply as it currently does.

Reports > System Reports > All Discounts Report

There is a new customer discount report that shows all discounts for a customer, both blinds and components.
Previously there were only two separate reports, ‘Customer Discount Report’ and ‘Customer Product Discount.
We have retained these reports, but also have a report that combines both, by customer, called ‘All Discounts Report’.
The user should be able to select a customer for this report or choose all customers.
The product discount should take account of the product, category and fabric class discounts.

Reports > System Reports > Customer Product Discount

There are now a criteria in 'Customer Product Discount' for ‘Stock Code’ and ‘Stock Description.