


Process Type

The 'Process Type' table is the table where you can specify Barcode/Type/Misc/Time/Sequence.

Barcode - the column where you specify the barcode for the scanners.
Type - this related to the 'WIP Blind Scan' and 'Blind Made Scan' functionality, please see below:
Previously a WIP scan and Blind Made Scan did not record a process transaction but this is now possible.
There is a new parameter flag called ‘Record WIP Process’ in Parameters which defaults to false.
There is also a new column held against the process type called ‘Type’ so we can identify the ‘WIP’ or ‘Made’ process.
When the blind is WIPd it records the relevant process, same for Blind Made Scan.

Time - the column where you can specify the time for the process
Sequence - in which order the processes should be run.

The 'Setup Times' button ('Process Type' system table) is created for update purposes.
Update Process Times for All Blind Types
There is now a new button to set up process times against processes.
There is also an option to update the times for all the blind types in one process to the same time.