


Process Times

There is a new tab on the Blind Types form called ‘Process Times’.
This is used to store manufacturing times for process types.

If Administration > Parameters > ‘Use Production Scheduling’ is set to true, then the scheduled date is calculated by the following method.

When the order is saved, the manufacturing time for making the blind is calculated.
This could check two places because we can either hold the manufacturing time against the blind type record (Average Manufacturing Time) or hold the process times for the blind type in Blind Types > Process Times.
If there are no records against the blind type process time, then the average manufacturing time is used.

The program then checks the first available time that the blind can be made when the detail line is being saved.
We work out the next available manufacturing time by looking at the availability in the schedule.
This is done by checking the average manufacturing time for the blinds in the order by manufacturing location and then using the latest manufacturing time as the scheduled date.
We also take into account whether the order is for a same day despatch or not.

The scheduled date is not calculated if the order detail line is flagged out of stock.
Once the detail line is flagged as being back in stock, the scheduled date is then calculated.

The time taken for the process is taken from ‘Setup Times’ and stored in the ‘Process Transaction’ table when a blind process scan is done.

Process Transactions

The process time that is saved in Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan is now taken from Blind Types > Process Times and not System Tables > Process Times.
If there is no time in the former, it reverts to System Tables > Process Times > Times value.

There is a new field in Blind Types > Process Times for ‘Employee’ – if the employee here matches the ‘Blind Type Process’ employee, then the time is taken from this record, otherwise if there is no employee match, then the time is taken from the record with no employee set up.

Reports > System Reports > Blind Type Process Times

There is a new report that shows all of the process times and the blind types they are linked to. It is called ‘Blind Type Process Times’.
The report is grouped by blind type and then shows all of the Process Times from Blind Details > Blind Types > Process Times.

Administration > Import From Excel > Process Times

There is now an import routine for 'Process Times' which updates records in Blind Types > Process Times tab.
This will import fields for blind type, process type, man location, employee, width, drop, time.

If records already exist blind type, man location, process type and employee, they will be overwritten by the import.

There is now a column choice for ‘Employee Group’ in this form – either an employee can be entered or a group but not both.

When a process scan is done, if the employee group for the employee matches an employee group in the ‘Process Times’ table, then that process time is used.