


Process Group

Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan

There is now an option to scan either one process or another.

We have a customer that has two different fabric cutting machines.
They have set these up as processes ie ‘Machine 1’ and ‘Machine 2’.
When a blind process scan is done for a blind, it will be done for one or other of the machines, but not both.
To achieve this, there is a new system table called ‘Process Group’.
A record can be entered here, and then a new field in Blind Types > Man Process Types called ‘Process Group’ can be updated.
If the same process group is applied to two different processes, then only one of them has to be scanned.

Efficiency Reports (Phase 1)
The following work has been carried out.

1. There is a system table called ‘Process Group’.
This is also now held against the user and has also been added to the ‘Process Times’ form.
The processing time can then be picked up by blind type, process, option and process group.
If the process group is left blank, it will work as it currently does.

2. There is a new system table called ‘Employee Group’.
This is also now held against the employee.

3. There is a new system table called ‘Production Area’.
This is also now held against the employee.

4. There is a new system table called ‘Efficiency Process’.

5. In Blind Types > Process Times, there is a new field called ‘Option’ (as well as ‘Process Group’ from 1).

This field could be left blank, but if filled, the processing time will be looked up by the blind type, process, process group and option selected.
If blank, then the processing time will be looked up as normal.

6. In Blind Types > Process Times, there is a new button called ‘Efficiency Process’.
This displays a form similar to the ‘Process Times Table’ except it holds the ‘Efficiency Process’ instead of the time.

7. A new field has been added to the ‘ProcessTransaction’ table called ‘Efficiency Process’.
When the process scan is done, the efficiency process is found according to blind type, process, process group, production area, width and drop, and then saved in the new field.

8. Previously a WIP scan and Blind Made Scan did not record a process transaction but this is now possible.
There is a new parameter flag called ‘Record WIP Process’ in Parameters which defaults to false.
There is also a new column held against the process type called ‘Type’ so we can identify the ‘WIP’ or ‘Made’ process.
When the blind is WIPd it records the relevant process, same for Blind Made Scan.

9. The Employee form has fields added for ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, Friday’, ‘Saturday’ and ‘Sunday’.
These will hold the default minutes worked. There are also new fields for ‘Shift’ and ‘Employee Group’.

10. An ‘Employee Working Hours’ form has been created. This form has a similar style to the ‘Scheduling’ form.
We need to hold by day: Hours, Holidays, Sick, Overtime. (We also need to hold fields for ‘On Job Cross Training’, ‘New Start Training’, ‘Machine Breakdown’, ‘Trainer Off Standard Allowance’, ‘Other Tasks’, ‘No Of Quality Issues’).

This form can be accessed from the Administration > System Tables.
Once these are all set up, they can be adjusted manually.
There is a button for this form in the Employees table as well.

Order Processing > Orders

Efficiency Sheet Fixes.
Process Times no longer affect scheduling.
We have excluded ‘Blind Type > Process Times’ records with filled ‘Process Group’ or ‘Option’ or ‘Production Area’ field in them.
If one or more of these fields is filled then it is defined as an ‘Efficiency Process’.