


Price Table Enquiry

Price tables can be entered manually but they are normally imported via ‘Administration > Import from Excel > Price Table’.
Price tables can be found in menu option ‘Pricing > Price Table Enquiry’:

Price tables are displayed and stored in a format similar to the way selling price tables are published ie horizontally by width and vertically by drop.
Widths and drops should always be entered in millimetres.
An imperial conversion will be displayed on the screen for both widths and drops.
Initially, a price enquiry screen is displayed.
This shows, in tabular format, the price tables that have already been set up.
There are several buttons shown at the bottom of the screen


To create a new price table, click the Add button.
Enter a blind type from the lookup table and then enter a fabric group and finally a price code.
You now need to edit this price table. Click on Change Prices and follow the instructions above.


To delete a price table, select the correct table and click on the delete key to delete the price table - a prompt will appear to confirm this request.

Setup Prices

Having selected the correct record by pointing at it, you can change prices by clicking on this button. When this happens, the actual price table is displayed.
You cannot change the blind type, fabric group or price code, but you can change the width and drop ranges and the prices.
You must enter the widths and drops in millimetres and they will be displayed on the screen in imperial
as well:

Print Criteria - Print

There are several options available when printing out price tables. These are as follows

Print Selected – this will only print the price table you are pointing at
Print by Blind Type
Print by Fabric Group
Print by Price Code
Print by Blind Type and Fabric Group
Print by Blind Type and Price Code
Print by Fabric Group and Price Code

Selected Price Uplift

This option allows you to uplift prices for specific price tables or to copy existing tables to new ones.
If you point at a specific price table and click on the 'Selected Price Uplift' button, the following form will appear.
If you want to create a new price table, then you should choose the 'Copy to New'.
There are fields to uplift by a percentage and also to round the results.

There is also a button called 'Global Price Uplift'. This has the same functionality as Pricing > Global Price Uplift.

Example: you may want to take all your cost or trade prices and uplift them bt a particular percentage to get to a particular selling price.
If you wanted to uplift prices by 5%, you could do them individually like this:

Or you could do this globally like this:

Export to Excel

This options allows you to export price tables to a spreadsheet, make specific amendments to the prices, and then import them via Administration > Import from Excel > Price Tables.