


Picking List

Order Enquiry > Pick List Validation

After the picking list is printed, the box blinds are picked.
The blind id bar code on the picking list is then scanned to make sure that the correct box blind has been selected.
The barcode on the box is then scanned to make sure there is a match – that match being the stock code for box blind.
Validation should take place. If so, then the works order label is printed.
If they do not match, it should be possible to change the order detail id and the BOM.

There is a button on the ‘Order Enquiry’ form called ‘Pick List Validation’, which also has a ‘Button Visibility’ flag.
When this button is selected, the following functionality should take place.

A form is opened, and there are two fields for barcode scanning.
The first field says ‘Box Blind Barcode:’.
When the barcode on the actual box is scanned, it should display the stock code besides this field.

The second field is called ‘Picking List Barcode:’.
When this is scanned, it looks for the box blind that is associated with that serial id barcode and displays that stock code.
If the two stock codes match, then a message should appear saying ‘Validation successful’.
If they do not match, then the message will say ‘The blind scanned does not match the picking list blind’.

Order Enquiry > Pick List Validation

The picklist validation is now scanning the serial id barcode.

The WO label now prints automatically after the product is scanned. So the validation process only has 3 steps:
Operator sign-on/scan on
Scan the pick report
Scan the product

When the ‘Pick List Validation’ is done successfully, the works order (in this case ‘Works Order – Label Blind Size 2’ prints immediately only for this blind.
Then when the validation is done and the label printed, the detail line now changes to WIP.
When all the detail lines are in WIP, the order status changes to 'Work In Progress'.

Order Enquiry > Pick List Validation

The order of validation has been changed, so the Pick List appears first on the screen, and is validated first.
The Order Detail Line now changes to WIP after successful validation. The Order status updates as normal.
There is now a “Reprint” message if the Blind has already been validated (currently can re-print the W/O with no warning, and the Works Order prints automatically.)

Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan

When the box blind is scanned, it should be validated ie it should check the box blind selected against the box blind stock id.
If it matches, then all is ok, otherwise, a message appears saying 'The wrong box blind code has been scanned' and it is not possible to proceed.
There is a new Button Visibility(2) flag for the Order Enquiry section called ‘Pick List Validation (BPS)’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then the 'Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan' form will display a button called ‘Pick List Validation’.
If this button is clicked, the ‘Pick List Validation’ form will appear and the user can scan the label to check that the correct box blind has been chosen.
The validation checks the supplier barcode held against the box blind stock item with the barcode on the box.

Picking List Barcode - Serial ID
Box Blind Barcode - Supplier Barcode
Box Blind Batch No Barcode - Batches No

Order Enquiry > Pick List Validation

There is a new parameter in Parameters > Manufacturing called ‘Pick List Validation to WIP’ which defaults to false.
If true, then once a box blind is validated, the order detail line is set to WIP (if all serial detail lines are WIP) and the order status set to WIP (if all order detail lines are WIP).
If ‘Print Works Order’ is selected in the ‘Pick List Validation’ form, the reprint warning will only appear if the status of the order detail line is ‘Work In Progress’.

Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan > Pick List Validation

There is a new parameter called ‘Print Works Order After Pick List Validation’ which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, the works order will print after successful validation.

Stock Control > Reports > Box Blinds WIP Not Validated

There is a new report that shows all stock items (box blinds only) that have a status of WIP but have not yet been validated (in Order Enquiry > Pick List Validation).
This has columns for stock code, stock description and quantity.

There is an option for ‘Picking List’ report choice in Parameters > Reports, below ‘Works Order 2’.
The current picking list is called ‘Picking List 1’ and is in there as the default.
If ‘Utilise Picking List’ is switched on, then if there are miscellaneous detail lines on an order, the picking list print out after the works order, regardless of which works order is used.

There is a parameter to decide what order to print the detail lines.
The default is the order in which they are entered, and there is now a choice of ‘By Location Order’.

There is also a new column for the amount picked, called ‘Despatched’.

There is also functionality to print a bar code on the picking list.
This is on the first detail line – only one barcode is required.

It is also possible to print location on the picking list and print the order of items by stock location.