



Please check the Peachtree for more information.

Peachtree Integration

For Peachtree sales invoice posting, the codes for nominal should be taken from the following places:
Post Invoice For Order with Blind Detail Lines

Administration > Parameters > Use Customer Nominal For Posting = false
The sales nominal code is taken from the sales nominal code in the blind type record. The debtor control nominal code is taken from the ‘Debtors Control’ in System Tables > Nominal Control Codes.

Administration > Parameters > Use Customer Nominal For Posting = true
The sales nominal code is taken from the customer record. The debtor control nominal code is taken from the ‘Debtors Control’ in System Tables > Nominal Control Codes.

Post Invoice For Order with Component Detail Lines
Administration > Parameters > Use Customer Nominal For Posting = false
The sales nominal code is taken from the sales nominal code in the stock record. The debtor control nominal code is taken from the ‘Debtors Control’ in System Tables > Nominal Control Codes.

Administration > Parameters > Use Customer Nominal For Posting = true
The sales nominal code is taken from the customer record. The debtor control nominal code is taken from the ‘Debtors Control’ in System Tables > Nominal Control Codes.

Post Invoices
If the accounting system is set to Mertex and ‘Use Customer Nominal For posting’ is switched on, then the nominal code held in the customer record is now used instead of the order detail line nominal.