


PO Parameters

Show Blinds in Create Bought In PO

When a purchase order is created from the 'Order Amend Enquiry' tab the form will be displayed that shows the blinds that can be selected for the new bought in purchase order.

Auto Generate Bought In PO


Orders copied using the Remake/Repair function now generate an auto PO and appear in the Bought In Tracking form.
This will only happen if there is an order detail line that has a bought in blind and ‘Auto Generate Bought In PO’ is switched on.

Order Processing > Quotations

Quotes converted to orders now generate an auto PO and appear in the Bought In Tracking form.
This will only happen if there is an order detail line that has a bought in blind and ‘Auto Generate Bought In PO’ is switched on.
Order Processing > Bought In Tracking Form

If ‘Auto Generate Bought In PO’ is switched on, Bought in POs are now created automatically at the following points:

Copied Remakes – These are created from the Archive using the Remake/Repair copy function.
EDI/Online Orders – Any orders generated for Online/EDI customers should automatically generate a PO if they contain bought in blinds.
Also, the cost prices now generate for these Online/EDI orders.
Orders on Customer Hold – previously, if an order was saved whilst on customer hold, it did not generate a PO.
It is now generated but not sent to the supplier whilst on customer hold.
The Send PO and Export Single CSV buttons are disabled for orders on Customer Hold.
Also, the Export Batch CSV ignores these orders.

Bought In CSV File

There is a new parameter flag in the Suppliers > Defaults tab called ‘Send Ord File To Supplier’.

Bought In PO Creation

If you have ’Auto Generate Bought In Po’ set to true and ‘Automatically Send Files’ also set to true, when EDI sales orders are imported, the bought in purchase orders are then created and sent to the supplier.
The send bought in PO functionality has been changed to take into account the ‘Send Ord File To Supplier’ flag in the supplier record.
If this is set to true, then a CSV file with the suffix .ord is created instead of the XML file.
The CSV file will then be sent via FTP to an FTP location specified in the relevant supplier record.
The CSV file has been specified separately in a spreadsheet.

We have added new 'Sales Files > Customers > Add/Amend > Options > Disable Auto Generate Bought In PO ' flag.
It is only visible if the 'Administration > Parameters > PO Parameters > Auto Generate Bought In PO' flag is switched on.

Regular PO from Order Amend Enquiry

Creates a regular purchase order from the 'Order Amend Enquiry' form.

Include General Stock in Generate PO

We have made an alteration to the ‘Generate PO’ function to include generating PO records for stock items that do not have sales orders for them.
There is a new parameter in Administration > Parameters called ‘Include General Stock in Generate PO’.
If this parameter is set to true, and if ‘Stock Held In House’ = true and ‘Stock In Hand’ < ‘Re-order Level’ in the stock record, then a PO detail line will be generated for this product with ‘Ordered’ = ‘Minimum Order Quantity’ or a multiple of this to bring ‘Stock In Hand’ up above the ‘Re-order Level’.
This is not dependent on stock transactions having been created from sales orders.

Flag Generated PO as Order Printed

This now changes the sales order status to ‘Order printed’ if the purchase order is generated and the printed (providing the parameter ‘Flag Generated PO as Order Printed’ has been switched on).

Update Cust Ref to PO

There is now an option so the reference in the PO is updated with the ‘Customer Reference’ from the sales order.
To do this we have added a new parameter in Administration > Parameters called ‘Update Cust Ref to PO’, which defaults to false.
If this is set to true, then the ‘Customer Reference’ from the sales order is updated to the ‘Reference’ field in the bought in PO.
Also, in EDI Enquiry, the PO ‘Reference’ field is now displayed as a column in this form.

Change Order Status After PO Create

A new parameter has been created called ‘Change Order Status After PO Create’.
The purpose of this parameter is, if true, is to change the status of sales orders if bought in purchase orders are created.
It is only relevant if ‘Enable WIP Status’ = true.
So if the new parameter is true, for bought in blinds, when the PO is created, the sales order is changed to WIP.
This is providing all the detail lines in the sales order are for bought in blinds.
If you use the ‘Generate Bought In PO’ button to create bought in purchase orders and ‘Enable WIP Status’ = true and ‘Change Order Status after PO Create’ is true, then the sales orders now changes to ‘Work In Progress’ after the PO is created.

Enable PO Receipt Date

Bought In Tracking Form > PO Receipt Validation
There is a new parameter called ‘Enable PO Receipt Date’.
If this is switched on and the sales order has detail lines with bought in records, then if ‘PO Receipt Date’ is null, a message appears saying ‘The PO has not been received’

Calc Required Date From Sales Order

Previously the required date in the bought in PO was calculated only from the lead time held against the blind type bought in tab.
There is now an alternative way of recording this, using a new parameter called ‘Calc Required Date From Sales Order’.
If this parameter is set to true, then the required date in the bought in PO will be the required date in the sales order plus a day.

Prompt For Invoice Number at PO Delivery

There is now a parameter so it does not ask for the purchase invoice number when delivering a purchase order.
This parameter is called ‘Prompt For Invoice Number at PO Delivery’ and defaults to false.

Sequential Batch Number Per Roll

If sequential batch numbering is switched on, there is now an alternative way to assign batch numbers.
Previously it would only assign a batch number for the whole detail line, but there is now an option to create a batch number for each roll.
Therefore there is a new parameter called ‘Sequential Batch Number Per Roll’.
This will only be active if ‘Sequential Batch Numbering’ = true.
Let’s take the following example. There are 30 yards in a roll and a PO is created for 4 rolls.
Therefore the quantity entered is 4 (unit of sale = roll of 30 yards) and the unit quantity will be 120.
At the moment when the PO is delivered and ‘Sequential Batch Numbering’ is switched on, one batch number is assigned per detail line delivered (if the stock record has ‘Batch Numbering’ set to true).
If ‘Sequential Batch Number Per Roll’ is switched on, then four batch numbers will be created, one for each roll.
There were too many batch numbers being generated if ‘Use Imperial’ = true and ‘Sequential Batch Number Per Roll’ = true.
The number of batches is actually the number of rolls that are delivered so should be unit quantity/roll length
So if ‘Use Imperial’ = true, if the unit quantity is 40 and the measurement unit = Yards, and the roll length is 720 inches, then we know this is 2 rolls, because (40 * 36) / 720 = 2.

Generate PO for Fabric Only

Alternative Generate PO

It is now possible to generate a regular PO for those sales orders where ‘Fabric From Stock’ = false.
To do this, a new parameter called ‘Generate PO For Fabric Only’ needs to be switched on.
If this is switched on, then the ‘Generate’ button in the regular PO form will only generate PO detail lines for orders where ‘Fabric From Stock’ = false.

Check Stock at Create PO

Recently we added in a ‘Drop Ship by Vendor’ field in the stock record for use when creating a PO for a sales order component detail line.
We have extended this functionality further. One customer creates POs using the ‘Create PO’ button.
They keep stock of items in their warehouse and therefore do not need to create a PO and drop ship normally.
However sometimes if they do not have enough stock, they will get items drop shipped from a supplier/vendor. Therefore the following functionality has been added.

There is a new field in Parameters > PO Parameters called ‘Check Stock at Create PO’ which defaults to false.
If this is set to true, then when ‘Create PO’ is run for a component sales order, each sales order detail line is examined to see if there is enough free stock.
If not, then a window should appear saying ‘There is not enough free stock for item XXX – do you want to drop ship this item from [alternative vendor]?
If the answer to this is yes, then this detail line should be added to the PO that is created for that vendor. If the answer is no, then nothing should happen (same as now).

Display Supplier Notes in PO Entry

There is a new flag called ‘Display Supplier Notes In PO Entry’ in Parameters > PO Parameters which defaults to false.
If true, then the notes from the supplier record are displayed in the same way as they are in sales order entry if ‘Display Customer Notes In Order Entry’ was true.

Update Base Cost Price at Delivery Stage

A while ago we made a change to Blindata so that the base stock price was updated when the invoice was created (if the Stock Method = FIFO and the currency rate had been changed.
This works fine but we have a customer that wants to update the base stock price automatically when the purchase order is delivered.
Therefore there is a new parameter in ‘PO Parameters’ called ‘Update Base Cost Price at Deliver Stage’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then the base cost price will be updated automatically when the purchase order is delivered (no message needs to be shown) and will not be updated when the invoice is created.

Validate Purchase Invoices

There is a new PO parameter called ‘Validate Purchase Invoices’ which defaults to false.
If it is switched to true, then when ‘Create Invoices’ is selected in Purchase Order Enquiry > Update, the user is able to enter the net total, the VAT amount and the actual total.
These figures are then checked against the figures in the purchase invoice and if they do not match, a warning message will appear saying ‘The amounts entered do not match the computer amount’ and the incorrect figure should be highlighted.
When the purchase invoice number is entered, it is also checked to see if that number has previously been entered for that supplier.
If ‘Validate Purchase Invoices’ is switched on in PO Parameters, then the user has to enter the purchase invoice total in ‘Purchase Order Stock Enquiry’ in the same way they do in Purchase Order Enquiry > Update.

Include Bought In PO in Batch Invoicing

There is a new PO parameter called ‘Include Bought In PO in Batch Invoicing’ which defaults to false.
If true, then both regular and bought in purchase orders will appear on the ‘Purchase Order Stock Enquiry’ form.
There is a new column for ‘Type’ in the ‘Purchase Order Stock Delivery’ so the user can see what is a regular and what is a bought in PO.

Ignore Sales Orders in Generate PO

There is a new PO parameter in the system called ‘Ignore Sales Orders In Generate PO’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then the PO generation function only compares 'stock in hand' with (Re-order Level - On Purchase Order) amount.

Purchase Order Enquiry / Shortfall
At the moment there is a ‘Generate’ button in the regular PO for creating PO detail lines.
We have a user that uses the ‘Shortfall’ button on the Stock Enquiry form and would like to apply the same rule when ‘generating’ PO detail lines.
Currently on the Shortfall Report in ‘Stock Enquiry’ there are two ways of displaying information:

1. If ‘Override Shortfall Rules’ if ticked in Parameters then Shortfall Conditions and Shortfall Formula are used.
2. Otherwise records where ‘(Stock In Hand + On Purchase Order) < Reorder Level’ are displayed.

For regular PO generation we use two ways as well:

1. If ‘Ignore Sales Orders In Generate PO’ is ticked in Parameters then we add stock items where ‘(Stock In Hand + On Purchase Order) < Reorder Level’ – this is the same as condition 2 above.
2. Otherwise we add stock items where ‘(Stock In Hand + On Purchase Order – On Sales Order – Allocated Stock) < Reorder Level’.

We have made the following changes:

1. Changed the Shortfall routine to take ‘Ignore Sales Orders In Generate PO’ into account as well.
2. Changed PO Generate routine to take ‘Override Shortfall Rules’ and Shortfall Conditions and Shortfall Formula into account.

Misc Regular PO Only from Order Amend Enquiry

When a component detail line is entered for a miscellaneous item, it is then possible to create a PO (using the ‘Create PO’ button on the ‘Order Amend Enquiry’ form, if ‘Regular PO from Order Amend Enquiry’ is switched on in PO Parameters.
The problem with this is that if a sales order contains blind type detail lines as well, other POs could be created.
Therefore a separate parameter called ‘Misc Regular PO Only from Order Amend Enquiry’ has been created.
The ‘Purchase Order Regular – Bespoke 64’ report has been amended so it shows the ‘Comment’ field from the sales order in the detail line (if it is a miscellaneous component detail line.
Also if this new parameter is switched on (Misc Regular PO Only from Order Amend Enquiry), when the regular PO is created, it does not group the records by stock code – it creates one PO detail line for each relevant order detail line.

Batch Number is PO Number

There is a new parameter in Parameters > PO Parameters called ‘Batch Number is PO Number’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then the delivery routine first checks that all stock records in the PO have ‘Batch Numbering’ set to true.
Then when the PO is delivered, the batch number used is the PO number.
Regular Purchase Orders
If ‘Batch Number Is PO Number’ is set to true, when the PO is saved, it saves the PO number with the prefix U to a new field, PO Batch Number.
The user will then be able to edit this field in the purchase order.
Also, if this parameter is switched on, when the PO is delivered into stock, it uses the PO Batch Number as the batch number and not the PO number.

The changes made for this parameter assumed that all stock records had ‘Batch Numbering’ = true.
This is not actually true – there are PO orders for stock records where ‘Batch Numbering’ = false, and as a result, a warning message appeared.
It is now possible to deliver items where ‘Batch Numbering’ = false.

Update Landed Cost

There is a new PO parameter called ‘Update Landed Cost’ in Parameters, which defaults to false.
If this parameter is set to true, there is a choice to enter the ‘Duty’ and ‘Inland Charges’, and also select the exchange rate when an invoice is created for a detail line.
These fields then update the stock transaction when it is updated (the cost is already updated).

Display Customer in Bought In Blind record
There is a new parameter in Parameters > PO Parameters called ‘Display Customer in Bought In Blind record’ which defaults to false.
If set to true, there is a new column displayed on the ‘Bought In Blinds’ tab called ‘Customer’. This will look up the records in Sales Files > Customers.
When an order detail line is entered for a bought in blind, the bought in blind supplier also references the customer.
If there is a record where the customer matches, then only that supplier is displayed on the order detail line entry.
If the customer does not match, then this bought in a supplier is not displayed in the order detail line entry.

Show Import Costs in PO Header

There is a new parameter in Parameters > PO Parameters called ‘Show Import Costs In PO Header’, which defaults to false.
If this field is set to true, there are now fields displayed in the header record for ‘Duty ’, Inland Charge (Freight %) and ‘Exchange Rate’.
The exchange rate is taken from the exchange rate held against the currency for that supplier.
When the goods are delivered into stock, the cost price takes into account these fields.
For example, if the cost price is 10.00, duty is 5
, freight % is 4%, the exchange rate is 1.25, then the cost price updated to the stock record and the stock transaction will be 10.90 and the base cost price will be 8.72.

Allow PO for Amendment Hold Order

There is a new parameter in ‘PO Parameters’ called ‘Allow PO for Amendment Hold Order’ which defaults to false.
If false, then the current logic for creating a bought in PO applies.
If true, then it should not be possible to create a bought in PO for a sales order that is on ‘Amendment Hold’.

Ignore On Credit Hold for Generate PO

There is a new parameter (in Parameters > PO Parameters) called ‘Ignore ‘On Credit Hold’ for Generate PO’.
If this is set to true, orders that go on credit hold now generate an auto PO or appear in the Bought In Tracking form.

Filter Purchase Orders by Department

There is a new parameter in Parameters > PO Parameters called ‘Filter Purchase Orders By Department’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then the purchase orders in the ‘Purchase Order Enquiry’ form is filtered according to the departments set up against the user.

Create Bought In PO if Order Off Customer Hold

At the moment if a sales order is placed on 'Customer Hold', it is still possible to create a bought in PO from this order.
If you try to create a bought in PO for a 'On Customer Hold' sales order, a message should appear saying 'This sales order is on customer hold so a bought in PO cannot be created'.
There is a parameter called 'Create Bought In PO if Order Off Customer Hold', which defaults to false.
If true, when the sales order is saved after 'On Customer Hold' has been set to false, the 'Create PO' functionality runs automatically.

Cost Method

Average Cost Pricing

It is now possible to hold cost prices in stock records using an ‘Average Cost Pricing’ method.
Here is a description of how average cost pricing works.
There is a new parameter called ‘Cost Method’. This has choices for FIFO Method or AVCO Method.
Only one of these can be switched on at a time, and the default is FIFO Method.

There is now a new field for ‘Unit Cost’ in the ‘Puchase Invoices’ table.
When the purchase invoice is created, the purchase invoice record is updated with the unit cost.
If ‘FIFO Method’ is switched on, then nothing else is done.

If ‘AVCO Method’ is switched on, then the ‘Unit Cost’ field in the stock record is also updated when the purchase invoice is created in ‘Purchase Order Enquiry’.
The unit cost amount is calculated using the ‘AVCO Perpetual’ method described in the link above.
It looks at all records that have a date greater or equal to the ‘AVCO Start Date’ held in Parameters.

Stock Control > FIFO Method

Please also read 4312 before any coding work is done.

At the moment we can set stock control up to be either FIFO or AVCO.
However, the way FIFO works is only partly correct. When a purchase order is received, we need to hold the cost price against the PO transaction.
When stock is used (if FIFO is switched on), the stock should be reduced from the oldest delivered purchase orders.
At the moment we have called this FIFO but it is really ‘Current’.
We should therefore rename FIFO as Current and have a new choice for FIFO.
If FIFO is used, then the stock valuation should be calculated based on the sum of the value of the transactions, not just on the stock in hand figure multiplied by the current cost figure.
But how should the bill of materials be calculated? Should the cost price be the current cost price or the oldest available one?
This could be problematic, as the correct value may not be picked up.

FIFO Example

A purchase order is created for item ABC, quantity of 100.
When the goods are received, the cost price is recorded as 5.00.
A further purchase order is created for a quantity of 50.
When the goods are received, the cost price is recorded as 4.50.

If a stock valuation is run at this point, the total stock value for this product will be (100 * 5.00) + (50 * 4.50), giving 725.00.

If a quantity of 60 is sold, then this will be deducted from the oldest PO delivery, so this will leave us with a total of 40 from the first PO and still 50 from the second PO.

If a stock valuation is run at this point, the total stock value for this product will be (40 * 5.00) + (50 * 4.50), giving 425.00.

Administration > Parameters > PO Parameters

Renamed ‘FIFO Method’ to ‘Current Cost Method’. Created a new option called ‘FIFO Method’.

Purchase Order Enquiry > Update

If ‘FIFO Method’ = true
There are new fields in the stock transactions for PO deliveries to hold cost price and quantity in stock.

Purchase Orders

When a regular PO is delivered, the quantity in stock figure in the PO transaction is updated, and the cost price is also filled.
When a regular PO is invoiced, the PO transaction that relates to the invoice line is updated with the cost price if it is different from the amount that is held.
Work In Progress / Blind Made / Order Made / Stock Adjustments
When stock is deducted from the system, the quantity in stock is also reduced, deducting from the oldest stock figure first.

Orders > Bill Of Materials
If the oldest stock value needs to be looked at, then this calculation will need to be amended.

Purchase Order Enquiry

We have made a number of changes to the way this is working if ‘landed costs’ are included.
This works for Cost Method ‘AVCO’, ‘FIFO’ and ‘Current Cost’.
This takes into account stock items where ‘Batch Numbering’ = true, account suppliers that are set up in non base currencies, and also ‘Landed Cost’, which is the cost price of the product + duty % and freight %.
Let’s take the following example. There is currently no stock in hand for this item, B02.08.50AL190150. There is a base cost price of 16.61 and a USD price of 22.09.
This represents an exchange rate of 1.33 between Pounds and Dollars.

Let’s enter a regular PO for this product, but change the exchange rate to 1.20, have 6.25% duty and 3% freight.
Once this is entered, the ‘On Purchase Order’ amount increases to 100, which is correct.

The PO then has to be delivered – this can be done in two different ways, either by individual line or all at once.
Here is by individual line, and let’s say the dollar price remains the same. The price entered at this point is now the material currency cost ie 22.09.

Several other issues have been resolved.

1. It has not updated the ‘Unit Cost Price’ and ‘Unit Cost Price (Base) in the stock record incorrectly.
2. It has updated the cost price correctly in the ‘Stock Transaction’ record and a new field ‘Landed Cost’.
3. It has updated the cost price correctly in the ‘Batches’ record, both Unit cost price and Landed Cost.

Functionality to View & Reinstate Cancelled Purchase Orders

A new 'Use Bought In PO Cancelled Status' parameter with a default of false has been added in Administration > Parameters> PO Parameters tab
If this parameter is true and the operator tries to delete a bought-in PO, then this PO will be moved to a new 'Cancelled' status instead of being deleted.
All existing logic (stock transactions, etc.) will work as before.
A new 'PO Cancelled' record has been added to the PO history.
If 'Cancelled' PO is selected in the Purchases > Purchase Order Enquiry screen, then all buttons on this screen will be disabled except 'Amend'.
If the 'Amend' button is pressed for 'Cancelled' PO, then all buttons will be disabled on the 'Bought In Purchase Order Amend' screen except 'Cancel'.

Use Regular PO Cancelled Status

There is a new flag in Administration > Parameters > PO Parameters called ‘Use Regular PO Cancelled Status’.
If this is switched on, then detail lines within regular POs can be cancelled and set with a status of ‘Cancelled’.

Enter Roll Number Quantity

There is a new parameter in Parameters > PO Parameters called 'Enter Roll Number Quantity' which defaults to false.
It is only to possible to amend this if in Parameters 'Sequential Batch Numbering' is switched on and 'Sequential Batch Number Per Roll' is switched on.
If this new parameter is switched on, when regular POs are delivered, and 'Batch Numbering' = true for a fabric, a form displays the batch number of each roll and allow the user to enter the quantity for the roll number.
This is then totalled to give the overall quantity delivered for the PO detail line and the user can specify it as 'completed' if they want to.