


Out Of Stock and Back In Stock

There are a few parameters that regulate 'OOS' functionality.
We have made a number of improvements to the ‘Out Of Stock’ process.

There is a new system table for ‘OOS Action Outcomes’.

There is a new ‘Stock Warning Action’ form. The ‘Action Outcome’ defaults to blank and looks up the new ‘OOS Action Outcomes’ system table.
Users are unable to submit the form until the Action Outcome is completed. The BOM button performs the same function as the existing BOM button on the ‘Out of Stock Management’ form.
This allows users to flag the relevant BOM item as they complete the action form.

The ‘OOS Action’ button has been added to the following forms:
Order Processing > Orders > Order Amend Enquiry. Button Visibility must be switched on.
Order Processing > Quotations > Quotation Amend Enquiry. Button Visibility must be switched on.
Order Processing > Orders > Window Blind Amend). Located beside ‘Optimisation’, for both Orders and Quotations.
Advanced permission must be switched on.
Orders > Out of Stock Management.

Window Blind Amend – Orders Tab.

A check box has been added at the bottom right section for OOS Warning’. This field is for display purposes only and is not editable.

Window Blind Amend – Blind Details Tab.

A new column called ‘Stock Warning’ has been added in the detail line list between ‘Total’ and ‘Out of Stock’.

Order Amend Enquiry.

A column choice has been added for ‘OOS Warning’.

Out of Stock Management.

The role of this form has changed slightly. It has three filters:
Stock Warning List (All orders where [Order].[OOS_Warning] is flagged.
Out of Stock List (All orders that are flagged as OOS by production.
Over 3 weeks (All orders either flagged as OOS by production or that have an OOS Warning flagged and where the promised date is three weeks ahead of the order date)
Purchasing notes button remain. The Sales notes button has been replaced with a button for the ‘Stock Warning Action’ form.
‘Customer Contacted’ and ‘Follow up contact’ have been removed.
Columns have been added for OOS flag from order header.
Also [OOS_Warning], [OOS_Actioned_By], [OOS_Actioned_Date] and [OOS Action_Outcome] columns from [order] table.

There is a new parameter called ‘ Enable OOS Warning ’, which is required to differentiate between the ‘out of stock’ functionality and the ‘out of stock warning’ functionality.
The new parameter defaults to false.

If this parameter is switched on, then all the OOS Warning functionality works as it does currently.
If this new parameter is switched off, then the OOS functionality works as it did before.

The OOS button in the order detail line updates the ‘Out Of Stock’ flag in the detail line and in the Order table.
The BIS button updates the ‘Out Of Stock’ flag in the detail line and also the ‘Previously Out Of Stock’ flag.
If there are no other detail lines with ‘Out Of Stock’ = true, then the order is flagged as ‘Out Of Stock’ = false.
It is now also possible to make an order OOS even if it is WIP.
If a detail line is flagged as ‘Out Of Stock’ and the ‘Send OOS Message to Customer’ is switched on, then the email is sent to the customer and not to the ‘internal’ Customer Services Email address.
In Parameters ‘OOS Email to Customer’ has been changed to ‘OOS Internal Email’ to avoid any confusion.
If this is true, then an internal OOS email is sent.

Out Of Stock Email To Customer

We need to be able to send similar information as the following to the customer.
There is a new parameter called ‘OOS Action Email To Customer’ which defaults to false. If true, then the email should go in this format.
Previously you could only specify the specific BOM stock items that are out of stock.
If the new parameter is switched on, it is now possible to hold a ‘Next Available Dispatch Date’ and ‘Action’ field against the order detail line.
Action is related to the latest despatch date.

We have a customer who does not want it possible to process through an order that has a component detail line that is flagged as ‘Out Of Stock’.
Therefore there is a new parameter for this called ‘ Check OOS Flag at WIP ’.
This defaults to false. If it is set to true, then one of two things can happen.

If this new flag is set to true and ‘Update Stock at WIP Stage’ = true, then when the user tries to change the order to ‘Work In Progress’, as well as the message about out of stock appearing, it says ‘This order cannot be changed to ‘Work In Progress’.
If this new flag is set to true and ‘Update Stock at WIP Stage’ = false, then when the user tries to change the order to ‘Order Made, as well as the message about out of stock appearing, it says ‘This order cannot be changed to ‘Order Made’ because it is flagged as ‘Out Of Stock’. This also applies to the various ‘Blind Made’, ‘Order Made’ buttons in Order Enquiry.

Configure the customer's settings in the following way:

Create a new order and if there is not enough fabric (or options) in stock then the detail line will be marked as 'OOS'.
But you can also just click on the ‘OOS’ button in the 'Window Blind Amend > Blind Details' tab:

When this is done, the message appears:

Then the information pops up that the specific email has been sent:

Please check the ‘Out Of Stock’ column:

Then when you click on the ‘BIS’ button in the sales order then the different email appears:

And the information form pops up:

Please note that you can change the OOS and BIS messages in the 'Company Details > Email Texts' as shown below:

OOS Internal Email and Customer Services Email
If a detail line is flagged as ‘Out Of Stock’ and the ‘Send OOS Message to Customer’ is switched off, then the email is sent to the ‘internal’ Customer Services Email address and not to the customer.
Besides the sock control functionality, the stock item can be marked as 'Kanban/BO OOS' + 'Stock Held' in this case the functionality will work as well, please see below:

In Parameters ‘OOS Email to Customer’ has been changed to ‘OOS Internal Email’ to avoid any confusion.
If this is true, then an internal OOS email is sent.

Out Of Stock Message

If the option stock items/main fabric has been flagged as 'Out Of Stock' and Blind Type > 'Bought In' = True and Blind Type > 'Create BOM for Bought In' = False and the Blind Type > 'Display Stock Message' = True then the Blindata application now displays a warning message at order saving stage that looks like this:
'The stock items: XXXX. Description XXXXXXXX is currently flagged as "Out of Stock" so there may be a delay in delivery'.

Stock Item > ‘Out Of Stock’

There is a flag in the stock record called ‘Out Of Stock’ which defaults to false.
If this flag is set to true, then when the fabric is chosen in the order detail line for a bought in blind, a message appears saying ‘This fabric is currently out of stock so there may be a delay in delivery’.
This will be applied to manual order entry and the EDI Import.