


Orders on Credit Hold

The orders which were marked as 'Credit Hold' are displayed on the 'Orders On Credit Hold' form.

If you need to take off the order from the 'Credit Hold' please tick the 'Taken off credit hold' flag.

The credit hold information is recorded in the history of the sales order based on the changes state of the 'Taken off credit hold' flag.
So in case when you need to take a sales order off the 'On Credit Hold' please tick the 'Taken off credit hold' flag OR untick the 'On Credit Hold' flag.

So when the 'Taken off credit hold' flag will be ticked and when you save the line ('Up/Down' arrows and 'Enter' buttons) the 'On Credit Hold' flag will be unticked automatically and wise versa.

And if the 'Taken off credit hold' flag is unticked by the default in the sales order that is marked as 'On Credit Hold' then if you uncheck this flag (when you are changing the state of the credit order record in the 'Orders On Credit Hold' tab) you are not actually changing the value of the flag (False=False), so the history is not updated in this case.