


Order Enquiry

The table where you can manufacturing/despatching serial details/blinds/orders is shown below:

If you want to use barcodes, please check the this section.
We also have a Blindata Scanner application to use for the processes.
And if you want to calculate the manufacture time of the blind types, please check the Scheduling section.

'Work in Progress' button changes status of the sales order to 'Work In Progress'.
'Blind Made' button changes the status of the individual detail lines to 'Blind Manufactured'.
'Order Made' button changes status of the sales order to 'Order Manufactured'.
'Despatch Blind' changes status of the serial detail to 'Blind Delivered'.
'Despatch Blind' changes status of the sales order to 'Despatched'.

There are two new buttons on this form, called ‘Blind Process Scan’ and ‘Order Process Scan’.
These buttons have advanced permissions in Administration > Users > Advanced Permissions.
The purpose of these buttons is to scan orders so processes for blinds can be updated.

Order Process Scan

The barcode that is scanned is the one printed on ‘Works Order – Delivery 8’ (the blind id).

When the ‘Order Process Scan’ button is selected, a form is displayed, where a scan can be done.

When the scan is done, the manufacturing processes relating to the blinds in that order are displayed.
The user is then able to choose which process they want to complete.
When this is selected, all the relevant process transactions for the blinds in that order are created.
If all the processes for a blind within the order have been completed, then the status of the blind changes to ‘Blind Manufactured’.
If all the blinds are manufactured, then the status of the order changes to ‘Fully Manufactured’.

Once this has been done, it is possible to see the process transaction by clicking on the relevant button on the bottom left of the ‘Order Enquiry’ form.


There is a blind type for ‘89mm Vertical’ that has 2 manufacturing processes, ‘Headrail Cut’ and ‘Vanes Cut’. There is also a ‘Roller’ blind type that has 1 manufacturing process, called ‘Roller Made’.

There is an order for three 89mm Vertical blinds and one roller blind. When the ‘Order Process Scan’ is chosen, and the barcode is scanned, the user will be able to choose from three manufacturing processes: ‘Headrail Cut’, ‘Vanes Cut’ and ‘Roller Made’. If the ‘Roller Made’ is selected, then a process transaction is created for this order detail line, and the status of the detail line changes to ‘Blind Manufactured’.
Later on, the barcode is scanned again, and the ‘Headrail Cut’ process is chosen. Two process transactions are created, one for each 89mm vertical blind. The scan is then done again after the vanes have been completed. This time, two process transactions are created for ‘Vanes Cut’, the vertical blind detail lines get changed to ‘Blind Manufactured’ (because all the processes for the blind have been completed) and the order status is changed to ‘Order Manufactured’ (because all the detail lines have been manufactured).

Blind Process Scan

The barcode that is scanned is the one printed on ‘Works Order – Label Blind Size’.

When the ‘Blind Process Scan’ button is selected, a form is displayed, where a scan can be done.

When the scan is done, the manufacturing processes relating to the blind detail line for that barcode should be displayed.
The user should then be able to choose which process they want to complete. When this is selected, the relevant process transaction for that blind detail line should be created.
If all the processes for a blind within the order have been completed, then the status of the blind should change to ‘Blind Manufactured’.
If all the blinds are manufactured, then the status of the order should change to ‘Fully Manufactured’.

Blind Process Scan / Order Process Scan

There is now an employee lookup in these forms in the same way as in the ‘Blind Made Scan’ and ‘Order Made Scan’ forms.
When the scan is done, the employee is saved in the process transaction record.

Process / Employee Barcoding

A customer has come up with a good idea of how to record when processes are done in the factory and who has done them.

The idea is to have a barcode for a process, and one for an employee.
Then in the factory, the employee will scan their own barcode, scan the process (on a sheet on the wall) then scan the label. After the last process is done, the blind status should be ‘Blind Made’.

This has an impact on ‘Blind Process Scan’ and ‘Order Process Scan’ in Order Processing > Order Enquiry.

The following work has been done.

Blind Details > Blind Types > Man Process Types

We can now hold an integer in here which can be used as a barcode. It should therefore be a unique number that cannot ever be an order detail or serial number.

Administration > Employees

We can now hold an integer in here which can be used as a barcode. It should therefore be a unique number that cannot ever be an order detail or serial number.
These barcodes can be printed onto reports in Reports > System Reports.
The ‘Man Process Types’ barcodes will print by blind type, and the employee barcodes will print onto an A4 page, with employee name and barcode, 2 across the way, 6 or 8 down.
The employee barcode report will then be cut up, and each factory employee is given a laminated card which will have their barcode on it (E1000 where 1000 is employee barcode).

Administration > Parameters

There is a new parameter called ‘Use Employee Barcode’.
If this is set to true (it defaults to false), then in ‘Blind Process Scan’ and ‘Order Process Scan’, the employee is able to scan their barcode and scan the process instead of selecting both.