


Order Category

Order Processing > Orders / Quotations

We have a customer that needs to be able to identify orders that are for conservatories.
Therefore we have created a new table called ‘Order Category’ which has a maintenance form in Administration > System Tables.
There is a default record added called ‘Standard’.
It is now possible to choose an order category when entering an order.
There is also a column for ‘Order Category’ in the context menu in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’

Order Processing > Archive Enquir*y
‘Order Category’* is now a column choice on this form.

Order Processing > Orders > Order Category

There is a new field on the Blind Type form to store a Default Order Category.
When saving a sales order, the program checks to see what the default category is for any blind types it contains.
It is possible that there could be multiple default categories from the selected Blind Types.
To resolve this, there is now a priority column (integer) in the Order Category system table.
Whichever category has the highest priority is then get selected on the order.
If none of the Blind Types on the order have a category selected, then the ‘Default’ category from the Order Category system table will be selected automatically.

This function also works for importing EDI/Online orders as well as manually processed quotes and orders.
The check is done each time the order is saved in case any of the blind types have been deleted or changed.
Lastly, if an order is split, the existing and new split order are both recalculated based on the remaining blind types.

There is now a default ‘Order Category’ field in the customer record.
This is now picked up in the order entry program.

Component XML File

‘Order Category’ has been added to the XML file structure for component lines.