


Option Setup

Below is an example of a Roller Blind completed Option list in the Option Setup tab. We will learn how to create a similar list for your new Blind Type

The first step is to create the Option Names for the categories of Customer choices. Option Names are created in >Administration>System Tables>in Lookup Options Field type Option Names.

Select (click on) the last item in the list of Option Names then click the Add button at the bottom left of the Screen. A new blank field will appear. Click on that new field.

The Option Description field which you see in the previous screen shot is a TEXT field. Type in the appropriate name for the category of Customer choices that will be added to the Option Name tab.

Once all the Option Names for the Blind Type are created return to >Blind Details>Blind Types>and select the Blind Type for the Option Names just created. Initially a Blank screen will appear when the Option Setup tab is selected.

Click New in the lower left part of the screen and a blank field will appear. Click on this new field, then click the solid triangle to get the drop down menu of all the available Option Names (including the new names just created). Select one of the Option Names in the list (probably a name just created). Click New again to add another Option Name and continue until all appropriate Option Names have been selected.

The order Option Names appear on the Order Entry screen is determined by the Sequence numbering. The lowest number appears first and the highest number appears last. In the Screen Shot notice the numbering pattern Sequence column...10,20. Continue this pattern for all Option Names selected. Spacing the numbers out makes it significantly easier to rearrange the order of the Option Names or to add a new Option Name when required.

When all the Option Names have been added and the Sequence numbers are properly entered Step 2 is completed. Go to back to Setup Basics and choose Option Selection for Step 3.