


Option Price Per Metre

There is an extra way of pricing an option.

Here is an example of how it works:

Roman blinds – cream or white linings attract an extra price, dependent on the amount of lining that is used.
These are priced like this:

Blind size: width = 1500, drop = 1000

Lining drop 1000 + 750 (for turnings and pockets) = 1750.
Widths are multiples of 1370, so this blind requires 2 widths (the lining fabric is purchased in 1370mm wide rolls).
Lining = 1750 * 2 = 3500, rounds to 4m. The lining price per metre is 6.50.
Therefore option price is 4 * 6.50 = 26.00.

There is a new table, which holds blind type, fabric code (option), width multiple, drop add on and price per metre.
In the above example, width multiple = 1370, drop add on = 750mm, price per metre = 6.50).

The form for this table should be in Pricing and should be called ‘Option Price Per Metre’.

This option price is looked for at the same time as other option prices are found in the order entry program.
If there is a price for an option in this table, it will supersede all other prices found for this option (but in reality, there won’t be any).

Pricing > Option Price Per Metre

We are now able to calculate the lining to be used by having a multiple of the drop as well.
There is another field in the table called ‘Number of Drops’. The formula has been adjusted to handle this:

Blind size: width = 1500, drop = 1000

Lining drop (1000 + 750) * 2 = 3500.
Widths are multiples of 1370, so this blind requires 2 widths (the lining fabric is purchased in 1370mm wide rolls).
Lining = 3500 * 2 = 7000, rounds to 7m. The lining price per metre is 6.50.
Therefore option price is 7 * 6.50 = 45.50.

The adjusted table holds blind type, fabric code (option), width multiple, drop add on, number of drops and price per metre.
In the above example, width multiple = 1370, drop add on = 750mm, number of drops = 2, price per metre = 6.50).

Order Processing > Orders

The formula is now correct when the option price per metre is being calculated. It is:

((Number of drops * Drop) + Drop Add On) * (Number of widths calculated from Width Mult) * Option Price Per Metre.

Previously it was calculated as:

((Number of drops + Drop Add On) * Drop) * (Number of widths calculated from Width Mult) * Option Price Per Metre.

If you entered a detail line that has an option that is priced in Pricing > Option Price Per Metre, the option price was 1000 times greater than it should be.
This was because it was multiplying by the drop in millimetres and not the drop in metres. Fixed.