


Option Price Group

Order Processing > Orders

Some customers have a lot of braid options stored in Blindata, and this can sometimes mean holding a very large number of braid option prices.
There is now a solution to this because they can be stored in ‘option price groups’ and then priced by option price group.
The following needs to be set up.
Create at least one option price group in Administration > System Tables > Option Price Group.

Enter an option price group against braid records ie in the stock record.
Enter this option price group in ‘Option Price Enquiry’ so that if anything in that price group has been selected (ie another option) it will be priced that way eg a scallop finish with a braid on it (but the braids could fall into 3 different categories).

Enter this option price group in ‘Option Price Enquiry’ so that if anything in that price group has been selected (ie another option) it will be priced that way eg a scallop finish with a braid on it (but the braids could fall into 3 different categories).

Changes Made

There is a field in the stock record called ‘Option Price Group’, which is a character field.
There is a field in ‘Option Price Enquiry’ called ‘Option Price Group’. This is not a mandatory field and all existing option price records work as they currently do.
When option pricing is done, the option price method checks to see if any of the options selected have an option price group, and if so, see if there is an option price record that matches.
For example, we could have 3 braid records set up in stock, with stock codes BRAIDA, BRAIDB and BRAIDC, with option price codes A, B and C respectively.
Let’s say there is a different option for finish and one of the choices is ‘Straight with Braid’.
This actually has different prices depending on which braid is selected, so in ‘Option Price Enquiry’ there will be 3 option price records set up, for option price groups A, B and C.