


Option Price Enquiry

Option prices are add on prices for blinds.
For example, a shaped finish for a blind will have an extra price, which is dependent on the width of the blind.
These records can be added in the menu option 'Pricing > Option Price Enquiry', where the following form will be displayed:

There is a button on this form that will allow you to copy an existing option price record and all its associated prices.
A form appears that asks the user what blind type, fabric description and fabric group they want to copy the selected record to.
It is possible to leave the fabric group blank.

The user can add records for blind type, product code (option), price code, fabric group (not usually required), price method etc.
Once this is done, the specific prices can be entered in a grid like this:

There is an option for % uplift in ‘Option Price Table Enquiry’.
Therefore there is a new ‘Price Method’ in Option Price Enquiry’ called ‘Uplift %’.

Selected Price Uplift

This can be used for uplifting all the prices for an option.

Copy Option Prices

This is very useful for copying an option price that is the same.
For example, the shape prices for roller blinds will often be the same and this saves the repetitive task of entering option prices.

There are some option prices that get applied to all blind types.
Therefore it is now possible to hold a null in the blind type record, so in the order detail entry, the price is found based purely on the option chosen.

It is possible to price options by square metre pricing.
There is a ‘Type’ set up in ‘Option Price Enquiry’ called ‘Square Metre’.
If this is chosen, and prices are entered against this, when the option price is calculated, it will be (Price * Width * Drop) / 1000000, the width and drop being in millimetres and from the width and drop in the order detail line.

Pricing > Option Price Enquiry

There is now a button to print out a report showing option prices, by blind type.
The report prints out prices only for the blind type the record pointer is pointed at.
The report has a similar layout to the price table report, except more than one price table prints per page.

‘Global Price Uplift’

There is a ‘Global Price Uplift’ button in the ‘Option Price Enquiry’ form, similar to the one in ‘Price Enquiry’.
It will allow the user to globally update option prices or copy them to new option price tables.
This also includes a choice for product code, as well as the blind type and price code.