


Option Calculation

In Administration > System Tables, there is a table called ‘Option Calculation’.

For a vertical blind, after options are selected in order detail entry, the program now checks if the option is set to ‘rail calc’.
If it is, the rail cut difference is taken from the option calculation table instead of the blind type.
For a roller blind, if an option is set to ‘Tube Calc’, the tube cut difference is selected from the option calculation table instead of the blind type. Also for a roller blind, if an option is set to ‘Fabric Drop Calc’, the fabric drop difference is selected from the option calculation table instead of the blind type.

Headrail Cut Calculation, Tube Cut Calculation and Fabric Drop Calculation

Previously for vertical blinds we calculated the headrail cut as the blind size width – rail cut difference (in blind type record)
For roller blinds we deducted the tube cut difference to get the exact tube cut size and the fabric cut difference to get the fabric width:
For roller blinds we added the fabric drop difference to get the fabric drop:
This functionality will still work, but we have introduced a new function to determine headrail cut, tube cut and fabric drop add on dependent on options selected for blinds.


In Administration > System Tables > Option Names, we now have three new codes called ‘Rail Calc’, ‘Tube Calc’ and ‘Fabric Drop Calc’.

Cutting Options / Cassette Production Documentation

We have made a significant change to the system to make the calculation of cutting sizes more flexible.
Previously this was handled by specific fields in blind type (eg Headtail Cut Diff) or by settings in Administration > System Tables > Option Calculations.
These forms and fields are used to calculate additions and deductions to widths and drops of blinds.
These settings will be replaced by a new facility called ‘Cutting Options’.
It is now possible to calculate both width and drop cutting sizes by blind type for any combination of options chosen when entering a blind.
The user can define the number of cutting sizes they want to appear on the works order documentation.
Please note that for the time being this is only available for ‘Works Order Portrait. In the next two weeks, it will be integrated into all other works order prints.


The previous method of calculating the valance size and return size (using ‘Valance Size’ in Option Calculations) has been altered.
We now hold a default value for ‘Return’ if ‘Enter Valance Size’ = true.
This means when we enter a detail line for a blind type where ‘Enter Valance Size’ = true, there will be defaults for valance size and return.
We also now determine whether there are one or two returns attached to the valance. We can identify this by setting up an option called ‘Return’.
There will then be three choices set up for this option: ‘No Return’, ‘Single Return’ and ‘Double Return’.
If ‘No Return’ is chosen the valance option will default to just the length of the valance.
If ‘Single Valance’ is chosen, the valance option will be the valance size + return size.
If ‘Double Valance’ is chosen, the valance option will be the valance size + (2 x return size).
We have used the ‘Valance Size’ in the ‘Option Calculation’ table to hold the multiplier for the return.
That is, we would hold 0 for No Return, 1 for Single return and 2 for Double Return.