


Online Setup and Synchronisation

The following setup work must be done on the Blindata desktop system before the online system can be used.
The relevant customers and blind types that are going to be activated for the online system must be set up.
Please check the Online parameters.

Blind Details > Blind Types


The following fields can be set in the ‘Online Settings’ tab.

‘Allow Online Authentication’ must be switched on. This will then allow you to assign a username and password to the customer.
This will be used by the customer when logging onto the online system.

‘Upload Orders to Online System’ should be switched on if you want customers to see non online entered orders as well.

‘Auto Map EDI Records’ is only required for third-party customers that are running external systems.

‘Allow Online Payment’ is used if Sage Pay has been implemented.

‘Allow Proforma Submit’ - It is now possible to submit a quotation online which is then imported via EDI as a proforma quotation and then processed internally as a proforma.
To do this there is a new flag held against the customer record called ‘Allow Proforma Submit’ in Sales Files > Customers > Online, which defaults to false.
This flag is only visible if ‘Is Proforma’ = true in the customer record.
If the new flag is set to true, it is possible to submit the online order as a quotation.

More details about parameters

In the ‘Blind Type Sync’ tab, there is an easy way to select blind types that can be entered online by the customer.


If ‘Use Web Log’ is switched on, then if ‘Use Replication’ is selected in the synchronisation program, then only amended records will be updated to the web site.

Blindata Synchronisation

Settings and connections should be dealt with by Ball Software staff. Settings are used to define times when the synchronisation can be done automatically.

Office > Site

There are two flags that can determine the way the office > site synchronisation is done.

If ‘Use Replication’ is switched on, then only records that have been amended will be synchronised.
This will only work if ‘Use Web Log’ in Administration > Parameters is switched on.

If ‘Update Online Orders’ is switched on, then the status of the online orders will be updated from the office database orders.

If the two flags are switched off, then a full synchronisation (excluding orders) will take place.

Please note that synchronisation cannot take place if there are any users logged into the online site.