


OOS Action Outcomes

Out Of Stock Functionality

We have made a number of improvements to the ‘Out Of Stock’ process.
There is a new system table for ‘OOS Action Outcomes’.

There is a new ‘Stock Warning Action’ form. The ‘Action Outcome’ defaults to blank and looks up the new ‘OOS Action Outcomes’ system table.
Users are unable to submit the form until the Action Outcome is completed.
The BOM button performs the same function as the existing BOM button on the ‘Out of Stock Management’ form.
This allows users to flag the relevant BOM item as they complete the action form.

Order Processing > Orders > Order Amend Enquiry. Button Visibility must be switched on.
Order Processing > Quotations > Quotation Amend Enquiry. Button Visibility must be switched on.
Order Processing > Orders > Window Blind Amend).
Located beside ‘Optimisation’, for both Orders and Quotations.
Advanced permission must be switched on.
Orders > Out of Stock Management.
Window Blind Amend – Orders Tab.
A checkbox has been added at the bottom right section for OOS Warning’. This field is for display purposes only and is not editable.
Window Blind Amend – Blind Details Tab.
A new column called ‘Stock Warning’ has been added in the detail line list between ‘Total’ and ‘Out of Stock’.
Order Amend Enquiry.

A column choice has been added for ‘OOS Warning’.

Out of Stock Management

The role of this form has changed slightly. It has three filters:
Stock Warning List (All orders where [Order].[OOS_Warning] is flagged.
Out of Stock List (All orders that are flagged as OOS by production.
Over 3 weeks (All orders either flagged as OOS by production or that have an OOS Warning flagged and where the promised date is three weeks ahead of the order date)
Purchasing notes button remain. The Sales notes button has been replaced with a button for the ‘Stock Warning Action’ form.
‘Customer Contacted’ and ‘Follow up contact’ have been removed.
Columns have been added for OOS flag from order header. Also [OOS_Warning], [OOS_Actioned_By], [OOS_Actioned_Date] and [OOS Action_Outcome] columns from [order] table.

Order Processing > Orders > OOS Actions

There is a new flag in the OOS Action Outcomes system table called ‘Require Promise Date’.
If an outcome is selected in OOS Actions that have this flag ticked, then the user must enter a promised date.
If ‘Require Promise Date’ is not ticked, then the promised date is not mandatory.