


Number of Vanes Pricing

The 'Number of Vanes Pricing' functionality works for the Curtain, Panel Blind and Vanes Only blind identifiers only.
If a price is set up for an option in Pricing > Number of Vanes Pricing, then that price is multiplied by the number of vanes and put in the option price.

Please check the example of the 'Vanes Only' detail:

Curtain Pricing

It is now possible to enter ‘Number of Widths’ for a curtain and price according to the number of widths and drop.
These prices are held in the ‘Vanes Price’ table form, as the pricing structure is similar to vanes only pricing.
It is now possible to enter a blind type here if blind identifier = Curtain.
There is a new field in the blind type record (only if blind identifier = Curtain) called* ‘Pricing by Widths’.*
In the order detail line entry if ‘Pricing By Widths’ is switched on, then the base price is taken from the ‘Vanes Price Table’.
For option pricing, it is now possible to hold option price per width in the ‘Number Of Vanes Pricing’ in the Pricing menu.
It is, therefore, possible to enter a curtain blind type here as well as a vanes only one.