


Multi Blind

The blind type is considered as multi blind if the 'Multi Blind Choice' flag is ticked in the 'Blind Type Amend > Multi Blinds' form.

If a blind type is set up as a multi blind, there is a new flag called ‘Allow Individual Line Edit’ which defaults to false.
If this is true, then it is possible to edit the individual detail lines.

Currently, the order detail lines could be created automatically for blinds where ‘Multi Blind Choice’ = true (in Blind Types) and ‘Multi Blind Auto Create’ = true (in Parameters).
This has been further refined. Instead of ‘Multi Blind Auto Create’ being a parameter in Administration > Parameters, it is now held against the blind type, but only be visible if ‘Multi Blind Choice’ = true.
There is also a parameter in Blind Types called ‘Multi Blind Pricing’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then the blinds are priced on the overall blind entered (and the prices for the detail lines that are created are zero).
If this flag is set to false, then all the detail lines that are created are individually priced and the overall detail line entry has a zero price.

If a multi blind is entered (when ‘Multi Blind Choice’ = true and ‘Multi Blind Auto Create’ = true), the bill of materials records should not be created for the overall blind detail line.
However, there could be an exception to this. Therefore there is a new flag in the stock record called ‘Multi Blind BOM Only’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then a BOM record is created for the overall blind, but not in the automatically generated detail lines.

It is now possible to select the option price for the main blind but not for the multi blind. At the moment if ‘Multi Blind Pricing’ is switched off, the blinds are priced based on the blinds that are auto created.
But there may be cases where there needs to be a price for an option (eg valance) in the first blind entered.
There is now a flag held against the stock item to do this.
The flag is called ‘Main Blind Option Price’ and defaults to false.
If true, the option price is applied to the main blind but not the others.
Please note this only applies if ‘Multi Blind Pricing’ is switched off.
If ‘Multi Blind pricing’ is switched on, then all of the price is in the main blind.

Please note that there is a functionality to uplift this price based on the number of blinds in the multi blind.
It can be done in Administration > System Tables, the table holds the blind type, multi blind choice, % uplift, fixed charge.
When the detail line for the main blind is saved, and ‘Multi Blind pricing’ is switched on, it looks at this new table and applies either the % uplift or the amount uplift depending on what has been entered.

Order Processing > Orders > Multi Band

We have refined the way that the multi blind order entry works.

If a ‘multi band’ blind type is selected, the number of choices now ranges from ‘2 on 1’ up to ‘8 on 1’.
Once a choice is made, the band width will be calculated by dividing the overall width by the number of bands,.
The user then has to select the options as normal.
However, there will be one option that will only have the choices of IDL, C1, C2.. or DRV. (This option will be identified with a code in System Tables > Option Names eg Band Identifier).

This means we can identify the control side by selecting either IDL or DRV for the first blind.

If the user has selected a ‘4 on 1’ blind, and the band identifier option is IDL in the first line, then the second line will have that option set as C1, third as C2 and fourth as DRV.
If the lines are generated automatically, these will be filled like this.
If the first line has the option as DRV, then the last will be IDL.

This means we can use the link options to select other options (possibly dummy stock items) determined by the band identifier option.
Therefore the cutting sizes for each band can be identified using the cutting option ‘Calc From BOM’.

The rules for roll up diameter and tube deflection feasibility will be applied to the individual band detail lines.
The torque will be calculated for the entire shade because now we have a defined BOM for all the bands and the torque calculation will be just an addition of all plus the % or static coefficient for the number of intermediate brackets. This torque value will be checked against the DRV clutch/motor/drive.

If the first line is edited, then all detail lines will be recalculated.
The following needs to be implemented to get this to work properly.
Add a new System Tables>Option Name record with a Code called 'Band Identifier'

A new integer field has been added to Stock Item>Defaults called 'Band Index', default null.
Three new choices have been added to Stock Item > Special called 'IDL', 'DRV', 'Main'

The operator needs to add a new stock item with 'Band Identifier' link option and Special = Main
The operator needs to add a new stock item with 'Band Identifier' link option and Special = DRV
The operator needs to add a new stock item with 'Band Identifier' link option and Special = IDL
The operator need to add an X new stock items with 'Band Identifier' link option where 'Band Index' should be incremented for each next stock item.
The operator needs to add 'Band Identifier' option to Blind Type>Option Setup (for multi blind)

When new multi blind detail will be entered (4 on 1 for example) then 5 new detail lines will be created (1 main detail line and 2-4 multi blind detail lines).
In the first (main) detail line, the 'Band Identifier' choice will be selected as point 4 stock item. (Special = Main)
In the 1 multi blind detail line the 'Band Identifier' choice will be selected as point 5 stock item(DRV) or point 6 stock item(IDL) depends on from Blind Type>Option Setup>Option Selection>Default flag

In the 2-3 multi blind detail line the 'Band Identifier' choice will be selected as a stock item with Multi Blind Index = detail multi blind index.
In the 4 multi-blind detail line the 'Band Identifier' choice will be selected as point 5 stock item(DRV) or point 6 stock item (IDL).

Check the following:

1. Create a new option name:

2. Configure the blind type according to the example below:

3. Configure the stock item:

The ‘Band Index’ for the stock items should be configured according to the C/DRV numbering, please see below:
It means that C2 will have ‘Band Index’=2, C3 will have ‘Band Index’=3 and so on.

If additional logic needs to be applied when some select options are linked to the 'Main', 'Left', 'Right' then please use the Link Options rules.

4.Create a test multi blind order with the 3 in 1 blinds: