


Manufacturing Location

The ‘Manufacturing Location’ field holds against the Blind Type record (Blind Details > Blind Types > Add/Amend > Manufacturing Location)
and against the Employee (Administration > Employees > Add/Amend > Manufacturing location).

The scheduling functionality works using the manufacturing location, so we can find out how many blinds are scheduled for each date and what
time (minutes) is used for manufacturing.

The process is also connected with Manufacturing Location only, so it’s possible to find out how much time was spent by each Employee for each Process within Manufacturing Location.

The ‘Manufacturing Location’ column is also contained in the ‘Employee Working Hours’ table
(Administration > Employees > Working Hours > Add Date > Manufacturing location) and allows having several records against different persons (locations for one date here).
This allows to schedule Employee’s work.

At the moment, a user may hold one production area against an employee, but it is possible that an employee could work in another production area.
If, for example, an employee from the roller production area is off work sick, and there are not enough employees to make all the roller
blinds for that day, an employee has to be moved from a different production area. Therefore, in Administration > Employees, there is the manufacturing location in this form.

Once the date is created here, it is possible for the user to amend the manufacturing location to a different one.
It is also possible to add two same dates for the same employee, but for different manufacturing locations.
For example, the same employee might spend a morning in one production area and the afternoon in another.

Each Manufacturing has both a ‘Large Quantity’ and a ‘Maximum Scheduling Number’. The ‘Large Quantity’ field is only used for the ‘Same Day Despatch’ orders.
If the number of blinds on an order within a manufacturing location exceeds the ‘Large Quantity’, then the order cannot be despatched the same day.
The ‘Maximum Scheduling Number’ is used when scheduling any type of order into ‘Dates and Times’.
This is the maximum number of blinds per order per location that can be scheduled per day and any orders over this will be scheduled over multiple days.