


Manufacture Buy In Choice

Order Processing > Orders > Bought In Price Search

There is now a facility to make it easier for a company to decide if they want to manufacture a blind themselves or buy it in from another supplier, and then to decide which supplier to buy from.

At the moment there is a flag in the blind type record to decide if the blind is to be manufactured (stock control = true) or if it is to be bought in (bought in = true).
There is also a partly bought in the flag.
The problem is that the decision to manufacture or to buy in may only be made at the time the sales order is entered.

The following changes have been made:

There is a new parameter, held against the blind type, called ‘Manufacture / Buy In Choice’.
If this is set to true, then the user has the choice of flagging the sales order detail line as ‘Manufacture’ or ‘Buy in’ on the detail line form.
If, in the blind type record, ‘Stock Control’ = true, this defaults to ‘Manufacture’, otherwise it defaults to ‘Buy In’.
If ‘Manufacture / Buy In Choice’ = false, the program functionality remains as it is.

Also, new functionality has been written so we can look for the best price for a bought in blind.
At the moment it is possible to set up multiple suppliers for a blind type in Blind Details > Blind Types > Bought In Blinds.
We can hold different cost price tables against these blind types.

There is now another new parameter, held against the blind type, to determine whether the ‘Best Price’ search is applied or not.

If ‘Best Price’ = true when a sales order detail line is entered for a bought in blind, we are now able to search prices for each supplier, according to width, drop and fabric group.
These prices are then displayed and the user has the opportunity to choose the supplier they want to buy the blind from.

If ‘Manufacture / Buy In Choice’ = false and ‘Best price’ = true, then the option for ‘to manufacture’ will not appear.

If Administration > Users > Advanced Permissions > display Costs = false, then the cost prices will not be shown.

Order Processing > Orders > Supplier Comparison

There is a new parameter called ‘Show Supplier Comparison’, which defaults to false.

Previously if ‘Manufacture/Buy In Choice’ was switched on, it showed ‘Supplier’ in the left hand bottom of the form (which is fine) and also in the middle part.
The middle part (in the red rectangle) no longer appears unless ‘Show Supplier Comparison’ = true.

Bought In / Manufactured Blinds

We have a customer that runs four companies and are going to have all four in Blindata, set up as different departments.

Company A is a retail company ie they sell blinds but do not manufacture any blinds themselves. Company B will manufacture some of the blinds for them and others will be manufactured by outside vendors.

All four companies will use the same blind types. When company A enters an order for a roller blind, they want to create a bought in PO for this roller blind. The vendor will be company B.
The plan is that they create an EDI bought in PO, which is sent to the FTP server. It will then be imported as a sales order for Company B (the customer being Company A).
This means there will be two sales orders on the system. The blinds will be made by Company B and then delivered to Company A.

The problem is that they are both sharing the same blind type. For Company A it is a bought in blind, but for Company B it needs to be a ‘Stock control’ blind.
At the moment the blind type can only be set as one or the other.

If you enable 'Manufacture / Buy in Choice' parameter in the blind type record, you can also use this blind type as 'Bought In'.
When adding a detail line for this blind, it is possible to select a supplier/vendor from the drop down list and create a Bought In PO from this.

This functionality has been modified in the following way:

A 'Supplier' drop down list has been added to the Department Edit screen.
When a detail line is entered for a blind and Manufacture / Buy in Choice = true then the department record is checked and the supplier selected automatically if a supplier is selected in Department.
6282. Order Processing > Orders / Create PO

In v8.2.7 dev 5160 we created some functionality so that the ‘Manufacture / Buy In’ choice would work, depending on the department record in the order.

A bought in blind will now be created if either A or B is true.

Blind Type is Stock Control.
Blind Type has as ‘Manufacture / Buy In Choice’ = true
Department record from sales order has selected supplier.
Selected Supplier is present in Blind Type/Bought In Blinds tab


Blind type = Bought In.